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veneration of the cross reflection

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What brings us to the foot of the Cross today, and leads us to venerate the Cross at the Good Friday liturgy, is our understanding of who Jesus is and what he accomplished for you and me. It is an opportunity to be saved, as we prostrate ourselves and offer ourselves just as we are; with all our burdens and our joys. It is this mountain of hope that offers us strength to carry on until the feast of feasts finally arrives. Reflection 5 – St. John of the Cross (1541-1591 A.D.) John is a saint because his life was a heroic effort to live up to his name: “of the Cross.” The folly of the cross came to full realization in time. Thus we affirm: 'We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee because by Thy Holy Cross Thou has Redeemed the World. … The veneration of the Holy Cross finds its origin in 326. We also recognize here in the figure that graces our crucifixes in our churches and homes, and is made truly present again on the altar, that no matter how bruised or battered we might be because of our own sinfulness or due to challenges we are facing, the Lord’s love and mercy are always there for us. Encountering the Cross: A Reflection on Good Friday To encounter the cross. Believe it. A fifth century account describes this service in Jerusalem. March 15, 2020. One of the most profound and reverent moments of the Triduum is the Veneration (Adoration) of the Cross that takes place on Good Friday during the Celebration of the Passion of the Lord. Published April 14, 2017 . Hail, Holy Cross! The Veneration of the Cross 22 March 2020 . All respond: Come, let us worship. Veneration of the Cross March 24, 2013 by petercanisiusmichaeldavidkang. On Good Friday, the Cross stands at the center of our thoughts and our liturgy as the living symbol of God’s all-embracing love of us, of Jesus’ extension of that love as he stretched his arms, a love voiced in his plea, “I thirst” – the Lord thirsts for our love – as his love is made visible in his pain, suffering and death he endured for our sake. This is a moment—in reality, an attitude— God With Us Catechist Resources. Today, most churches venerate the … Learn from it, be enlightened by it, find in it the key to living a fruitful life. We come to the Cross on which our Savior gave up his life as a ransom for ours so that we might have life eternal. The attitude in the Church of God towards the Lord’s Cross sometimes seems unusual and surprising to the world. If the service continues with the Veneration of the Cross the following takes place: A person carrying a wood cross proceeds up the center aisle of the church, stopping three times during which the congregation says or sings Anthem 1, 2, and 3. There is, perhaps, no office in the whole liturgy so peculiar, so interesting, so composite, so dramatic as the office and ceremonial of Good Friday. Reflection 26: Uniting Your Interior Cross With Christ; Reflection 25: Interior Suffering – A Path to Mercy; Reflection 24: The Purification of Your Soul; Reflection 23: When God Seems Silent; Reflection 22: Abundant Mercy Stretching Your Soul; Reflection 21: You Are Loved. Voice of the Shepherd. The holy ceremony of venerating the cross on Good Friday was first instituted in Jerusalem, in the 4th century. Today we commemorate the middle of the season of Lent with the celebration known as ‘the veneration of the Cross'. 15. The cross was brought forward and placed on an altar where the priests and people could pay homage to the relic. Through the Cross of Christ the Evil One is overcome, death is defeated, life is given to us, hope is restored. You give sight to the sightless, health to the sick, and life to those who sleep in death. Adoration or veneration of an image or representation of Christ's cross does not mean that we actually adore the material image, of course, but rather what it represents. Anthem 1 (The cross is carried one third of the aisle. It is on this day that we have reached a mountain of hope after travelling along the long hard road of Lent. “We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you. A period of silent reflection is observed. Grim. Until the seventh century, the Good Friday service at Rome consisted only of the scriptural readings and solemn orations. But… we surely know that this is part of life. And since we are in many ways sensual rather than spiritual, we too sometimes share this perplexity with the world. Because the Cross is inseparable from His sacrifice, in reverencing His Cross we, in effect, adore Christ. The mercy of God, which embraces the whole world, springs from the Cross. On Good Friday, the Christians in Jerusalem would gather before a relic of the true cross to kneel, bow, and kiss the cross in remembrance of the Passion of Christ. Transform Your Life—Accept the cross whenever it presents itself to you in daily life.Do not flee from it. It is said that the people pressed … In general, Protestants abandoned the Veneration of the Cross. It is noteworthy that the The Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. According to tradition, a part of the Holy Cross was discovered by the mother of the emperor Constantine, St. Helen, on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 326. Reflection on the Ninth Station By Rob Coulston When I think about this station on the Way of the Cross, I usually find myself thinking about the “a third time” portion of the title. Going to the veiled crucifix, the leader uncovers the top part of the cross and says: Behold the wood of the cross, on which hung the Savior of the world. “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me” (Mark 8:34b) is the story of John’s life. In this introduction, we proclaim we are moved to adoration and blessing because the cross has brought redemption for the whole world. A coffer of gold-plated silver containing the wood of the cross was brought forward. As we shout, “Crucify him,” during this liturgy and see ourselves as the soldiers pounding the nails in Jesus’ hands and feet by our sins, and as we also stand at the foot of the Cross at the side of Mary as the beloved disciple, and as his witnesses in today’s world, with the eyes of faith we see in the Cross more than just failure, despair and death. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit! The Exaltation of the Holy Cross in the Great Fact is an icon of the Kingdom of God bursting into time and making all things new. The Veneration of the Cross flourished throughout medieval Europe. Roman … The ceremony was always termed the veneration of the cross, and veneration is what we did, not adore or worship. To suffer. In the seventh century, the Church in Rome adopted the practice of Adoration of the Cross from the Church in Jerusalem, where a fragment of wood believed to be the Lord's cross had been venerated every year on Good Friday since the fourth century. March 2015 - 13:31. The believers would approach it, touching brow and eyes and lips to the … Here is the schedule for 2013’s Holy Week (Sunday, 24 March 2013 – Sunday, 31 March 2013) at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, Archdiocese of Singapore : 1. It is the symbol of God’s love for us expressed by the self-sacrificing death of Jesus, his Incarnate Son. About the vigil office, which in early times commenced at midnight in the Roman, and at 3 a.m. in the Gallican Church, it will suffice to remark that, for 400 years past, it has been anticipated by five or six hours, but retains those peculiar features of mourning which mark the evening offices of the preceding and following day, all three being known as the Tenebrae. There is a similar icon during the Fast. Contact us between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Mountain Time Zone), As S.C. 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Veneration Of The Holy Cross March 7, 2021 Henry Karlson Patheos Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! At the outset it must be emphasized that veneration of the cross was not part of the ancient Roman liturgy. Holy Week 2013 Schedule for the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, Archdiocese of Singapore . We worship You, Lord, we venerate Your cross, we praise Your resurrection, Through the cross, You brought joy to the world. The Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross. Do not shrink from it, but embrace it in the name of Jesus. The Third Sunday of Lent is called “The Veneration of the Cross”.

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