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how do gangstalkers communicate

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I want to communicate with other TI’s for support. This will probably happen repeatedly by the same person or people. Today it is out of control, and a new, much bigger Stay Behind 2 is active in Norway. I have rarely seen my cousin and it seems likely that the only reason for any contact was so that she could pretend to have “an insurable interest” in me. 6. -Medical lab technicians can substitute blood samples, or otherwise falsify results making the target appear to have absolutely no reason for their complaints. they are just taxed and not even! While I can Relate to many of the problems the TID have, my take is the issue is money. TELL THE PEOPLE I’M A MAN, STAND WITH BUTT I MY FACE IN PUBLIC PLACE WILL SETTING DOWN, CRIMINAL LIKE PEOPLE SETTING NEXT TO ME COMING OUT OF NO WHERE TO SET NEXT TO ME TO THE POINT I MOVE. Cars pull up and use devices to look through my windows upstairs and downstairs to see where I am. The enemy does not necessarily use violence to promote social change. influenced Gang Bangers at the U of A and elsewhere besides Tucson, at this address and area: https://www.google.com/maps/place/1416+N+Camino+Mateo,+Tucson,+AZ+85745/@32.240096,-111.0186737,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x86d676bed243932f:0x8c30acef66b10611!8m2!3d32.240096!4d-111.016485. These fake NGOs are facilitating financial investment instruments based on “social impact” outcomes. THEY US EVIL MAGIC ON ME AND FOLLOW ME AROUND TOWN WITH COLOR HARASSMENT AND TRYING TO SOMETIMES TAKE PICTURES OF ME AND RECORD ME. The lease or deed will bear either an entirely false name, or the name of a senior staff member whose actual home will be at a different location. Both community-based agent (CBA) visual surveillance and advanced electronic surveillance are used. First of all I would like to thank you for putting up this website. 1. Each lasted for two weeks. Some are just so frightened they believe in blind obedience to the corrupt. One can speculate that they’ve made great advances in the past decades. Ethnic groups, black and coloured. The word, “Gang”, refers to multiple people who organize/group together for a common purpose. Do the gang-stalkers derive profit from their activities ? Organized harassment is very subtle. Effects include fatigue, pressure in the ears, visual blurring, drowsiness, imbalance, disorientation, vibration of internal organs, severe intestinal pain, nausea, and vomiting. when i first attempted to report ftc. This also helps to build a profile of the target, and it’s also used for later psychological attacks against the target, via Parroting and Directed Conversations. You will see members of these groups riding around during the day with their headlights or hi beams on. My brother was set up in his workplace, with false accusations and transported to a hospital in Penetang. Racism, Prejudice, Homophobia, or otherwise Hatred of a victim. This is an excellent action, as it is common. There are generally three different types of stalking phenomenon going on in the US. Below are some of them. And the person would spend the rest of their life in an asylum in misery, but to the government scientists that was a success.” ~Ex-Black Project Scientist Dr. Barrie Trower, “The war against satellite terrorism isn’t just the USA. Discussions at these meetings may include any ongoing campaigns against domestic threats in the area of operation.C4ISR- Command, Control, Communications, Computer Center that utilizes Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance. Because no one deserves to live like this. malware, rat, ransom implemented usually in the beginning like a trojan horse. Some of these perpetrators seem to be very vocal & popular members of these support groups. Physical sabotage is an especially effective form of punishment when it is carefully limited to low value items, below the value where police will take the report seriously. Our doctor was Dr. If this type of activity were targeted to the aged, the Immigrants or those alone and helpless, how much money could be reaped? The files might have a picture of the target, and information about some alleged crime, incidents that the target has been flagged for, or is under investigation for. Every single channel of communication the TA uses for information is interfered with. He was a fraudulent POA, he came into my room, while I was sleeping. Some want to feel important. I have been heated all night, every night, for the last year. The initial contact of neighbors to determine their willingness to cooperate is done by senior staff, and incentives to cooperate are often tendered. I wrote a bad review towards her & a few days later I get a retaliatory letter from her with a threatening note. Watch out target is coming – touch nose with hand, or handkerchief (who carries handkerchiefs anymore, but these are hand signals from the Nazi era).. 2. Transcribe and forward such a letter to the editor to the supervisor, along with your proposed response. They open our packages and then reseal the packages as if we would not notice, and our mail is often tampered with. Artificial Intelligence: C omputer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.. Baiting: Deliberately annoy or taunt … I was living with my daughter & her husband & without my husband around, it was a nightmare. A device went in to my ear it was an electronic bug. Some of these people they’re using think they’re doing a community service. It can also cause feelings of pressure in the chest, choking, irregular breathing patterns and respiratory incapacitation. Vehicles with one head light on and the other headlight off. With or without doctors. I would like to start a group in Lafayette, la. Many stalkers are members of volunteer police groups. I live in Melbourne, Australia and have been a victim of ongoing harassment for over seven long years now. The phrase Gas-Lighting has come to mean similar actions and behavior, as used in the film, against a victim. Operations in general are of the “active surveillance” type. CNO- Computer Network Operations- aka NW Ops, or network operations/NetOps) are information warfare attacks used to deny, deceive, degrade, and disrupt networks and computers used by the enemy. The Predatory Gangstalkers are then capable of greater insidious manipulation and control. If the target were punished in the community but was allowed sanctuary in their home, the creation of a “prison without walls” would not be complete. Non-ionizing radiation. (I don’t know if they know that or…) The motivation is to yes harass to try and scare but they are also constantly “colliding” with you to get pieces of your identity. The Director of that hospital, Mary McConnville, married to a Fred Marshman, just happened to live next door to me when I began my professional career. An Illusion is created that you are receiving much more attention than you actually are. Your reactions create a ripple effect. I have endured all of the above psychological and physical tortures, for the duration of my life, especially, in recent decades. Members of these Organized Stalking and Harassment groups will also communicate with each other on the street by using signals. All forms of stalking are physically, emotionally, and psychologically harmful to the victim. Many of the low-level perpetrators, of course, are following scripts given to them by their handlers, or superiors. They will repeat things a target said in their home, or on the phone. He was a known Hollywood writer. Despite what the leaders or members of Stalking and Harassment groups say or believe, all forms of Stalking and Harassment are illegal. Your local control center will instruct you as to how you will be cued to perform an intercept. This is easy once the target has developed suspicion that “everyone is out to get” him or her. These bizarre Arm Harassment Gestures are only a small portion and a criminal Harassment tactic, that is used as a part of the large Syndicated Crime of Organized Gang Stalking. They’ll “hello” you and ask you how you’re doing. This past May, the stalkers hacked our computers and all devices by breaking through our home router. Calls and texts encouraging additional health insurance for $2761 a month are daily offerings. I had read some information about “organized stalking.” By the last such ambush period, I remembered having the swastika scar, which I had forgotten –deliberately, at age six or seven. Every target will have at least one CBA watching them (at) all times, even while at home and asleep. It started with my husband, who is a dangerous narcissist & in a federal prison. My life and livelihood have been compromised for the last 11 years by being attacked by electromagnetic radiation torture, and by organized stalking… Thousands of Americans are currently suffering from chemical, electromagnetic, psychological and physical torture with no government relief or laws. lol but one officer definitely got the sense of my honest that cannot be fibbed. QUOTE “We experienced being mobbed by vehicles from CT NY and NJ at the beginning of our trip. The microphone and video cameras on cellphones can be used to monitor targets. 6) Many trolls and gang-stalkers friend each other and … is a girl. i posted warnings that my place was intruded. When people take the law into their own hands, any notion of “law” is destroyed altogether. The only logical explanation that can be drawn as to why these brainwashed cult members are using local police 10 codes to Harass other citizens, is that they have been deluded into thinking that they are somehow police. If you see long, thoughtful, original, well thought out comments, it's likely not a troll or counterintelligence agent, at least not a low level one anyway. This is a very well funded & organized service/cult that is apparently condoned or even run by the state. People don’t act like normal people. The late Chief Medical Officer of northern Finland, and Targeted Individual, Dr. Rauni-Leena Lukanen Kilde, Appendix 1. Infrasonic and ultrasonic weapons- Infrasonic and ultrasonic generators, also called emitters and VLF modulators, are weaponized devices consisting of a directional antennae dish which can send acoustic pulses to a general or specific area. they should have left the scene by now but some loser with a short stick is cutting lose ends or being punished for having failed terribly. Sensitization http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitization. Ideal for cooperating neighbor children. It is essential that you ask victims why they think they are being targeted, what they think they did to get targeted and who they think the perpetrators are. I don’t guess theirs any relief in site. What was its role in Norway’s terror actions, if any? However, they are fronts to stalk, monitor and collect data on different demographics, funded by huge capital firms like Goldman Sachs. Hacking into their computers and learning all about what the target is doing, sites they frequent, or planting things. Please keep in mind that victims of Organized Gang Stalking have to deal with an abuse engineered to make them appear insane should they complain to authorities. Eg. Basically letting the target know that they are in the targets life. This same thing happened to me and to a friend of mine. It has been indicated that targets will have warning markers placed against their files. 1: A neighbor leaves his or her house at the same time another neighbor arrives home . What can you bribe them with? Vehicles used may be of the same color, and stalkers may honk the car horn or flash the car headlights as they pass. Red, white, yellow, stripes, clicking pens, foot tapping. If you are interested please reach me at nywitt01@gmail.com. Don took this short story from me, along with another one. The DOD describes this as an “attrition-based approach:” “Attrition is the product or gradual erosion of the will. I have experienced the myself several times. For instance they will predict behavior of a certain group of people and set up an finance instrument so that investors can play the stock market off the predicted behavior. Psychological effects include loss of concentration, disgust, apathy, sadness, depression, fear, anxiety, and panic attacks. It can be applied from hundreds of meters away from a target using man-portable transmitters. This monitoring is assisted by blog scanning software which will detect and instantly flag posts relating to activities. Often you will have an on-site supervisor (OSS) position you, and give you hand signals as to when to start your movement to intercept the target. I found out recently that we have relatives named Sandler. (We know that some persons hire Mossad agents to silence victims. She took pictures of my apt. Would be a best seller. However, I had a very strong desire to live. My “friend” Helen Anderson (father chief architect of the CN tower in Toronto) obtained CSIS qualifications at age 18 or 19. I almost died, at this time, because I couldn’t handle what my husband did. Who can we contact about this that is not part of it and will help? Agents of action follow a set of guidelines while “play acting” to deliver the messages. Once the target has been sensitized to the point of realizing they are under surveillance and punishment, they will recognize, and be made appropriately uncomfortable by, the simple act of multiple CBA’s “just happening to” cross paths with them. Persons with this condition build up too much iron in their blood. These types of amateur stalkings are personal, local, and best handled by local law enforcement. -Where the target owns substantial land, noxious activities can be arranged and built for next to the property. On Watch # Rubbing or touching the eyes or corners of the eyes or placing on glasses indicating you are on watch. (The target) is very tired and eager to get home after work, for example, or in a hurry. Watch out! Small fires do not burn like the entire building was going up. Subject is coming - touch nose with hand or handkerchief . If it were a antagonist country against us that would be more credible to me. For the use of cognitive control or behavior control….” ~Anesthesiologist Dr. John Hall Speaking to the Presidential Bioethics Commission, “I am also targeted and this is my story. Watch out target is coming – touch nose with hand, or handkerchief (who carries handkerchiefs anymore, but these are hand signals from the Nazi era).. 2. Suffice it to say that it is possible to apply “incentives” which cause even people closest to the target to cooperate. This will be people on the street who you randomly and unexpectedly run into. I’ve contacted federal trade commission cause they hack into every phone and identity theft, I have the same issue with the phones , but also the internet. Harassment means conduct directed toward a victim that includes, but is not limited to, repeated or continuing unconsented contact that would cause a reasonable individual to suffer emotional distress and that actually causes the victim to suffer emotional distress. To injure or destroy unexpectedly and treacherously. I come home after the heart attack, find my apt a bigger mess & scissors in my bed. It is a type of synthetic telepathy. Not mentioning any names. Working class. If people are paid to participate in this stalking scene, where does the money come from? Do a regular bug sweep of your home and vehicle. Absolutely not! Leave trash in the target’s yard. These people listed below can be approached and given information which will cause them to make the target’s association with them uncomfortable, or break off all contact with the target. I guess they are concerned with getting attention in any way possible. The controlling faction of these PsyOp/CMO activities includes the military, federal agencies, NGOs, regional organizations, and international organizations that work with civil authorities. There are certain signals gang stalkers use to communicate with each other. What things do they like and dislike? I’ve had the sense of being gang stalked for a year, but I suspect it’s been going on longer, since I have a tendency to be a depressed and susceptible individual, in addition to being socially isolated. I did not have any inkling at the time that this hospital treats dangerous, violent criminals who are not criminally responsible. This is when helicopters or planes are used to track targets that are on foot, or in cars. Using Gestures around the target. This new war involves international, interagency cooperation between the military, federal and local law enforcement, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), the civilian population/private voluntary organizations (PVOs), and private government contractors. ALSO USING MY NEIGHBORS IN ON THIS EVER TIME I HAVE 2 OF THEM EVERY WHERE I MOVE TO COMPELEITY DIFFERENT PEOPLE NOISES HARASSING ME LIKE NO ONE CAN HERE THAT. Almost was 302 again, trying to report my husband’s abuse with proof. I have been trashed so many times, I told the manager, it will be going slow, because I have to find important papers. There will usually be someone nearby to see how you react to it. Since most civil workers are aware of this notification system, it means that targets reporting incidents of being followed around by various strangers should not have been unfamiliar to the police, and other agencies that targets reported their harassment to. All of the techniques that you have talked about, they have been implemented on me. Active surveillance can include information gathering, but it (also) includes the agent making the target aware they are under surveillance. They will drop very personal details into the conversation, that could only be related to the target. -In apartments, frequent drilling into a scrap of wood or masonry held against the target’s wall, floors or ceiling as if “working.” Alternatively, hammering. I know this whole scene and those that do it very well. Once I was institutionalization in psyche yards for 14 fourteen days…..Again in another country……..GOD BLESS ALL OF US. I have been living a life of Hell. However, when Brittany “moved out,” it regained its normal colouration, over time. Learn to calm down. I am at the point where I don’t trust anyone. Fake credibility reports are being used to subtly discredit and attack legitimate websites regarding Organized Gang Stalking, including the Gang Stalking World website. Store management can stop ordering a target’s favorite items. It makes more sense than believing this is a 24 hour a day operation. These discrediting topics must be a total surprise to the host, only mentioned after the show is in progress. The conversation is purposefully made at a level so that the victim can adequately hear what is being said. Posting on Nov. 9th 2020, I just became aware that I had become a victim of organized stalking in February of 2020, shortly after successfully completing grad school. They include biological and chemical warfare, directed-energy weapons, communications warfare, information warfare (IW) and psychological operations (PsyOp). Ghosting is also designed to make others question the sanity of the victim, especially if the victim attempts to complain of the abuse. You can make that impossible. It can quickly track down an adversary (target) anywhere on earth and attack them via DEW (directed energy weapons) and other forms of electronic warfare (EW). Years before the target ever realizes they are targets they will try to get into a targets life. Breaking into their homes and going through their stuff. Appendix 4: From Total Individual Control Technology by Omnisense, Organized Stalking/Electronic Harassment. You create most of the chaos by linking the perpetrators pre planted ideas in your head with reality. After months or years of this, Joe has become sensitive to this stimuli and it can be used to harass him without the names and the glaring looks. The plain fact is: this is criminal behavior. There is no question that those engaging in organized harassment are criminals, regardless of whether or not they hide behind “legitimate” agencies or excuses for their behavior. Repeatedly clearing throat. These opportunities are great ways to discredit targets by talking about UFOs, things like black helicopters following you, foil beanies, satellites “parked” just above your home, and perhaps events normally considered “paranormal” like seeing (things that) appear and disappear. As a community-based agent (CBA), you will be given specific instruction(s) on exactly when, where, and how to carry out punishment actions. There is cooperation with military intelligence, Stay behind, NATO, and foreign intelligence agencies also against their own population. The little-known phenomena of Organized Gang Stalking allows the perpetrators anonymity and enables future victimization’s, as stalkers are actually encouraged by the lack of repercussions. However, this appears to be the level of corrupt idiocy going on now in the US. My son is a free mason. Slashed Tires, Threatening Phone Calls, Verbal Assaults by Strangers, Property Damage, Death Threats, Following on Foot or by Vehicle, Bizarre Notes and Drawings Left, Loitering, Anonymous False Accusations to Friends, Family, and Neighbors, Character Assassination, Smear Campaigns, “Black-Listing”, Psychological Abuse, etc.

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