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thursley common birds

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We managed to find the car park very easily with the help from Finley. A flash of yellow revealed some Gorse in bloom, alongside some fine purple Bell Heather. Blog Post: Photography hide available to hire again. (could possibly be male & female) This was a trip down memory lane - used to see loads of lizards as … (tiny effort compared to his) The walk along the boardwalk and round to the paddock took about fifteen minutes and then the waiting game started. It is protected as a Site of Special Scientific Interest and as a National nature reserve . Thursley Common fire updates as firefighters battle 20-hectare blaze for second day - recap. So when Isaac West said he was going and offered me a lift, I took him up and what a great decision that was! Rustic Bunting: My job takes me up and down the country, as an ecologist there are times when working long distances can be a pain. Turns out we had missed both the buntings together in the same tree by about 10 mins. I have been gripped by these buntings at Thursley common for a couple of weeks now, trying to persuade my Dad to take us with no luck as we are "busy surveying". Thursley is a brilliant place--I wish I lived a bit nearer. The day started at 6:30 at the Oxford service station, where Isaac picked me up and we were off, though little down hearted as it was raining for about half of the journey and we thought it was going to be like the disastrous Otmoor trip we had in the spring. Cuckoo at Thursley Common. Sula. 13/04/2017. I ended up with two life ticks and one extra year tick, bringing my life list to 254 and my year list to a personal record of 220 (previous best 200). It is mainly heathland but the valley mire on Thursley Common is one of the best in the country. The Nightingale is 500 yards away from my garden. 6 February 2021 update. Thursley Common - 10th December 2020. See also. If you would like to suggest a photo for this site, please email a copy to along with the website address for this page. So we set off out onto the common following the twitchers with massive lenses. The first find was the Little Buntings, not in their usual spot but very close and quite confiding. So when Isaac West said he was going and offered me a lift, I took him up and what a great decision that was! Ockley Common is part of the Thursley complex. The tale of Thursley Common 12/12/20. Thursley National Nature Reserve Dog Walking. Birds – plenty to see, we didn’t walk too far but caught up with at least 3 pairs of Stonechat, 3 Red Kites, 2 Common Redstarts, Coal Tits, Treecreeper, Green Sandpiper, 2 Common Buzzards and 3 flyover calling Crossbills. Please note: this event is run by an RSPB volunteer group and organised for group members and interested members of the local community. I have been gripped by these buntings at Thursley common for a couple of weeks now, trying to persuade my Dad to take us with no luck as we are "busy surveying". We stuck around that area for a while but no luck; however we did get our shots of the Dartfords. Thursley NNR is one of the best places in England to watch these aerial acrobats hunt and mate over the open water. It is famed for its diverse wildlife. We also quickly found out that we probably should have put our wellies on rather than walking boots as the recent rain had made the common very wet. May birds from local places in and near Downham Market. The boys birding trip went very well considering the placid SW winds. Always distant but showing well so no complaints there! My sister and I left London at 06.30 in bright sunshine with the forecast for warm weather, but as we got just north of Guildford we started to hit mist, by the time we reached Thursley it was dense fog and extremely cold. I don't think anybody reads this... High quality INTERNET since 2008. Cuckoo. Luckily, as we got to lovely Guildford the weather started to clear up and we had hope! This falcon, a summer visitor from Africa spends the summer feeding on dragonflies and smaller birds in order to raise its chicks. Birding at Thursley Common. These were in good numbers over the day but only in flight. I am very fortunate to have aunts and uncles living in Spain, namely the southern La Manga area and the others are further up east in the Va... May 2nd to May 6th Just got back from Spain after staying at my sister Julie’s new apartment with herself and my Mum, my wife Christine ... Where to start, how about the best place I have ever been bird watching both in terms of species density and specialist rarities, good it ... A bright morning with hardly any cloud meant that I could start a Butterfly/Dragonfly transect so headed straight for Hornchurch Sports Stad... May I have visited the site a number of times in May, remarkably the Common Buzzard is still on site despite the attentions of the l... Spain, Costa Blanca, Alicante and Murcia areas May 12 to 16th. The traffic, the early start and then throw in the weather, but there are times when you end up working close to a rare bird. Price: Free. In 2006, a large fire broke out at Thursley Common and it took more than two years for the worst-hit areas to fully regenerate. Feel free to comment on here or on my Twitter! Thursley Common has to be one of the best sites for wildlife in Surrey. Discover, 20 species of dragonflies and damselflies who live around the open ponds and ditches of the reserve as well as an array of birds which include Dartford warblers, stone chats, long-tailed tits, gold crests, red starts, white throats and wheatears. We decided that missing the shrike was not an option, so we carried on hunting until I eventually clocked eyes on the stunning GGS, right in the middle of the common. Directions Follow @DaveMo57 On one visit there were tiny toads hopping across the paths in every direction. A large number of fire crews remain at the scene The tale of Thursley Common 12/12/20 I have been gripped by these buntings at Thursley common for a couple of weeks now, trying to persuade... Norfolk So the annual Marriner Norfolk trip has come round again. Therefore, facilities and number of places may be limited. The Woolpack mentioned above also welcomes dogs. The very first 2 birds heard were Whitethroat and Woodlark - a good sign. So when Isaac West said he was going and offered me a lift, I took him up and what a great decision that was! I thoroughly enjoyed it and I hope you enjoyed reading about it and seeing my amazing record shots. I heard that Colin the Cuckoo had made the epic return journey to Thursley Common so I thought well if he can make it so can I so I jumped in the car drove the 70 miles round the orbital and arrived at the Moat Pond car park for 6.30am this morning. Orthoptera include the nationally rare large marsh grasshopper. Rarer birds including osprey, black redstart and great grey shrike also visit the common. That concluded our trip to Thursley! Thursley Common is one of the largest surviving tracts of heathland that once covered this section of Surrey. RSPB's Marshside reserve gets new lease of life, moves to, Shetland 2017 - Part 3, Mainland, Shetland, 22 June : Caba de Gata and Rambla Morales, Prochaines sorties et NOUVEAU SITE : He has taken up temporary residence at Thursley Common NNR, and has been delighting birders with regular appearances at a certain place. There are nationally important breeding populations of nightjar and wood lark. It is a mix of wet and dry heath and provides a rich habitat for dragonflies and damselflies along with many other species including rare ground nesting birds such as the woodlark and Dartford warbler. Colin the Cuckoo has become quite famous over the last few years. Redstart. Colin the Thursley Cuckoo I went to see the Cuckoo at Thursley Common on Wednesday 22nd, a bird that has returned to the same area for at least the last 6 years and to say that the bird performed well at extremely close quarters was a bit of an understatement. Me and Isaac stood and tried to photo a Dartford for ages, which eventually caused us to miss the shrike at the twitch. 6 pm. Luckily, it didn't take long for the little bunting to show very nicely feeding on the ground. First Cuckoo – Thursley Common. Three mallard loitered on the Moat Pond. It was a drizzly day, so wet in fact that we probably wouldn't … The below batch of records were assessed digitally in early 2021 by each member of the Surrey Bird Club Records Committee (see here).Highlights include the vice-county’s second Short-toed Lark (and first since 1966), the seventh record of Black-winged Stilt, two Little Buntings, Ring-necked Duck, Lapland Bunting, Hoopoe and … Thursley Common is a special habitat which is home to a host of specialised plants, insects and birds. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Click on photos to enlarge, please do not copy photos without permission. Showing regularly, at Thursley Common. Little Bunting at Thursley Common from today. We picked up lots of lots of lovely birds while wandering round like Dartford warbler and Crossbill. Colin the Cuckoo. The Surrey Bird Club is a society of people interested in wild birds in the County of Surrey, England. Surrey365; Day 80. The tale of Thursley Common 12/12/20. There used to be little owls there, too. It had been a very quiet session, having arrived half an hour before dawn and walked around Pudmore and Ockley Common, with little more than a few Lesser Redpoll and Crossbill flocks of note. It has areas of acid bog and heathland and supports a variety of rare species including dragonflies, spiders and birds, plus all six species of British native reptiles. On the way to the twitch, lots of geese were leaving the roost which we religiously checked for white fronts but no luck (we later found out that there was one there but we didn't see it). At this point, we had the news that the Great Grey Shrike (GGS) had been re-found so us and David Bevan decided to go on a shrike hunt... We ended up walking a full lap of the common because every so often I would get a text from Arjun saying it had moved! Meet Colin the Thursley Common Cuckoo. As we got back, someone had managed to get on the Rustic Bunting so we got nice (if a bit short) views of that until it flushed with the other Reed Buntings. The heathland and woodland on the common are ideal for dog walking so you'll probably see other owners on your visit. Thursley Common is one of the last remaining heathlands in Surrey. The Lizards Whilst crossbill, red kite, woodlark and stonechat are regularly seen, birds such as Dartford warbler, whinchat, wheatear, tree pipit and redstart are frequently encountered. Evening looking for birds on Thursley Common. Thursley common 12/12/20. Colin has become perhaps the most photographed cuckoo in the UK having become habituated to photographers and associated easy food. Thursley Common is an area of some 350 hectares of heathland in the southwest of Surrey, England. As we arrived to the twitch, all the twitchers were on their phones or looking away which is never a good sign. Further Information and Other Local Ideas. Nearby Hankley, or Frensham commons, hold similar birds with the exception of the waders. The site is one of the richest in southern England for birds and of outstanding importance for reptiles, such as the nationally rare sand lizard. I popped into Frensham Common but failed to find the Red-foot through a complete lack of effort if I’m honest. 24/02/2021 Thursley Common, Surrey. As we were watching the little bunting some Egyptian Geese flew over and suddenly everyone turned round not sure why! Photographing Colin the cuckoo at Thursley Common After a few days in Dorset exploring wildlife on the heaths I made a last minute decision to visit the famous Colin in Thursley Common. From spring to autumn, we saw animals on every visit, including animals such as dragonflies, lizards, caterpillars, birds, and spiders. Sunday 5 June. I have been gripped by these buntings at Thursley common for a couple of weeks now, trying to persuade my Dad to take us with no luck as we are "busy surveying". [2] Lying between the villages of Thursley and Elstead , the common is generally 2–300 feet above sea-level. 08/04/2017. These insects attract the attention of one of the most enigmatic birds on Thursley NNR: the hobby. With many birds at the height of their breeding season, this latest blaze comes at a devastating time. Having allowed a little while for the crowds to dissipate and picked a day in the middle of the week we were very please to not only find the right location for seeing the two rare buntings, but also see both birds as well as the Great Grey Shrike that had also been reported from the common. Directions. About 10 mins later we had lovely views of our first woodlarks of the day as one sat on a tree and performed amazingly, with some lovely sub-song. Look out for woodlarks, nightjars and redstarts there in the spring, and raptors in the winter. Thursley Common was teeming with nature and we almost always saw something wonderful. Records Committee Decisions. We needed it for our new Ichos twitter account (go give it a follow @Birdingichos). Lizards and a single Adder were also seen whilst waiting for the bird and a Redstart kept us entertained at close quarters. A quick trawl of the internet, and we were able to find directions. The rarest penguin in the world - Yellow Eyed Penguin, Juv Yellow-Legged Gull, Creekmouth 23/7/16. As we got to the first clearing, we had our first redpoll of the morning going over. I’ve seen quite a lot of photos recently of a cuckoo called Colin. Thursley Common - 23rd April 2021 A bright but windy day and we decided to go to Thursley to look for returning migrants, interesting residents and the over wintered Little Buntings. Site Photographs. It was incredible. Very foggy and cold. In the spring of 1999 Thursley also had a Woodchat Shrike for several days. I met with a few like-minded friends at the weekend to see what we… Some 25% of the common has been affected by this fire, with the much of the popular boardwalk around Pudmore lost. Hi, I was delighted to see these lizards when walking along the boardwalk at Thursley Common today - anyone know what sort of lizards they are?? I did offer him my glue stick that some how ended up in one of my boots but we decided that probably wouldn't of worked! Leave Elstead southwards towards Thursley and park after 1.5 miles in the Moat car park SU900417 on the left. And the first Stonechats were about finally, along with tons of Lizards basking. A long overdue visit, still some more of … During the winter it is not uncommon for one of these to hold one or two Great Grey Shrikes.

John Fifa 21, How To Cook Firm Tofu, Paintings Of Brisbane Houses, Christmas Day Mass Readings 2020, Will There Be The 2nd Part 2, Regex Split Escape Character, Elf Shipping Canada Reviews,


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