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peace of westphalia quizlet

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was the Peace of Westphalia significant for French security on the eastern border? The modern understanding of sovereignty, or Westphalian sovereignty, reflects both its external and internal aspects. Again, many local entities were diminished or disappeared entirely (particularly in Africa, the Middle East, and East Asia), but others reinvented themselves to become strong national states (particularly in Europe but also Japan). what were Spain's gains, or more appropriately it's retention, from the Peace of Westphalia? Overall peace of westphalia promoted principals of diplomats assisted in the treaty of sovereignty over the history. European nations were, however, inventions inasmuch as they did not exist before the state system but were created through them. The Vienna settlement following the Napoleonic Wars guaranteed the rights of Catholics in The Netherlands. The Peace of Westphalia was an agreement by the emperor that he would respect a mediaeval pattern of laws, customs and privileges that limited his power within Germany. religious wars during mid-1500s where Charles V and Catholics fought German princes and Lutherans. CatC16. None of Germany's main institutions—the Catholic and Protestant churches, the civil service, labor unions—opposed the Nazi regime either. When emphasizing economic and social interaction, the thesis of the end of the nation-state has found widespread acceptance in the minds of citizens in this era of the information society and globalization. The second era of globalization was in the nineteenth century, at the time of the industrial revolution and when European powers and the USA opened-up even larger (now inland as well as coastal) areas of the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Australia to new or greatly expanded trade. As a result of the Treaty of Westphalia, the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved, Sweden gained control of the Baltic, independence of the Netherlands from Spain was fully recognised, and France was acknowledged as the pre-eminent Western power. For the latest news and updates, go … The impacts of such developments in terms of labor are negative rather than positive in vast, remote borderlands, because the implementation of technical surveillance reduces the need for infrastructure and work. The agency also provides information on the tools needed for controlling the outer borders of the EU in an attempt to prevent illegal migration and trade. what territories were confirmed for Brandenburg? Derek Croxton has noted that the Peace of Westphalia actually contains no clear statement regarding the principle of sovereignty. 16 terms. European nations always had groups who were deemed outside the definitional boundaries of the nation. The Peace of Westphalia (German: Westfälischer Friede) was a series of peace treaties signed between May and October 1648 in the Westphalian cities of Osnabrück and Münster effectively ending the European wars of religion. what did the German state of the Lower Palatinate gain from the Peace? Many feudal and local entities were diminished or disappeared entirely, but others reinvented themselves to become absolutist monarchies and national states. In the modern State, the political system of the State changed. The subsequent decline of dynastic rule throughout Europe in the nineteenth century and the emergence of nationalist and liberal democratic mass politics saw a further weakening of church authority north and south, east and west. who had no gains at all from the Peace of Westphalia? Schmitt opposed contemporary legal and political theorists' arguments seeking to diffuse authority away from a singular and absolute sovereign, arguing that there can be no functioning legal order without such a sovereign authority. struggles between Sweden and Brandenburg which considerably weakened Sweden's capacity to resist the later threat of Russian expansion into the Baltic. what was Austria substantially weakened by? 270–271). Thus, after the Peace of Westphalia went into force, these Estates (Principalities) asserted sovereignty by entering into relation with other States, even though they were nominally still parts of the Holy Roman Empire.26 Other States began to recognize them as States and establish diplomatic relations with them. The period after the end of World War II and establishment of the UN Charter saw the expansion of the modern state system with sovereignty as a major constituent part beyond Europe through processes of decolonization and other independence movements. Only a few people would call state formation into question, because it is related to our security and patriotism, but there are some who speak of a global or cosmopolitan world, and some stress the importance of regions as the basic units of spatial organization. As James Madison wrote, following the logic of Hobbes and Locke, liberal freedom can exist only when the state is strong enough to protect its citizens, but also limited enough so as not to oppress them. Historically, two groups were viewed as outsiders in European states—Jewish and Roma populations. it made them an honorary member of the HRE. First, because there is no authority above states, powerful states can violate the autonomy of their weaker neighbors. Thus, the second era of globalization ended in another era of economies that were closed or protected in important ways. because the sovereignty of each state was recognised. A great difference in wealth and opportunities between the two sides of a border can easily lead to increasing control measures, as has been happening in many places in Africa, on the US–Mexican border, and on the outer border of the EU. enhanced it's control of the Baltic and ensured that Denmark was a long-term sufferer from the Peace. The movement toward sovereignty as a model predated 1648 and continued afterward. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. The rise of the modern state with its characteristic claim to exclusive authority within a particular territory can be seen as part cause, part consequence of the Renaissance and Reformation crises in Western Europe which divided it between a Protestant north and a Roman Catholic south. At the front end, it provided a rationale for the legal codes that stripped Jews of their German citizenship and opened the way for their deportation to ghettos and concentration camps. Choose from 500 different sets of term:peace of westphalia = 1 flashcards on Quizlet. The process proceeded in fits and starts and was incredibly violent. Which was a result of the Peace of Westphalia ending the Thirty Years War? what territorial gains did France make along it's eastern border? Formerly they were British colonies under the administration of the Governors-General appointed by the British monarch. This was not the case of an absolute and clean break, but it was nonetheless a turning point. These Princes and territorial magnates had turned their Principalities or dominions into the modern States. Additionally, in the postwar period sovereignty, was challenged by supranational organizations. Facilitated by the steamship, the railroad, and the telegraph, a vast system of seaborne and overland commerce in goods, capital, and immigrant labor connected six continents. Thus, the first era of globalization ended in what can be seen as a new era of localization. the right to deliberate and vote in the Diet. The concept of individual or natural rights is historically and pragmatically related – both positively and negatively – to the emergence of the modern nation-states from feudalism between the thirteenth and seventeenth centuries. The interwar efforts at international constraints on domestic practices were a dismal, albeit internationally legitimated, failure, and after World War II, human rather than minority rights became the focus of attention. Today in the Peace of Westphalia, May 20th: Wecome to your home for all things related to the Peace of Westphalia! Peace of Westphalia, 1648 The Peace of Westphalia resulted from the first modern diplomatic congress and initiated a new order in central Europe based on the concept of state sovereignty. This global hegemon was the Habsburg empire, whose centers were Spain and Austria but which ruled large territories on or near the five continents (Wallerstein 1974, 1980). what right were Sweden given in the Peace? As states consolidated, however, they turned to legitimation. Thus, the world is divided into the layers of regions representing different geographical levels. which German state was the main beneficiary of the Peace of Westphalia? what was an unfortunate result of the Peace of Westphalia for Sweden? The member states of International Monetary Fund have accepted conditionality arrangements covering not only specific policy targets such as the level of the public debt, but also domestic authority structures such as the establishment of an independent central bank or the creation of a corruption commission. The production of newspapers and books over particular geographic areas and in vernacular languages, rather than formal Latin (which almost no one spoke), created a community of speakers within a given territory. Writing in a time of nationalistic and imperialistic fervor, Carl Schmitt's 1922 work Political Theology represents the Hobbesian understanding of sovereignty as supreme and beyond legal recourse. what substantial territory did Sweden gain in the Peace of Westphalia? In particular, it was the notion of sovereignty as indivisible and supreme authority (i.e., free from interventions) that came to be scrutinized. - they were not given Strasbourg, its capital. The war or series of connected wars began in 1618, when the Austrian Habsburgs tried to impose Roman Catholicism on their Protestant subjects in Bohemia. In ancient times colonization was a common development policy in borderlands, and later many infrastructural and regional policy measures were carried out according to the interests of a state in border issues. Peace of Westphalia. The origins of Westphalian sovereignty have been traced in the scholarly literature to the Peace of Westphalia (1648). what became a standard feature of the Empire and of Germany? The existence of the Soviet Union and the Second World acted to contain the spread of the free-market policies of the USA, even within the First World itself. OTHER QUIZLET SETS. The Peace of Westphalia is the collective name for two peace treaties signed in October 1648 in the Westphalian cities of Osnabrück and Münster. which ecclesiastical territories was Brandenburg compensated with? In spite of the talk of a ‘borderless’ world, various types of regional divisions exist based on administration, ethnicity, economic performance, and welfare, and borderlands are manifestations of these divisions. The Peace of Westphalia recognized the full territorial sovereignty of the member states of the empire. The fundamental change under the new system is that the ruler (the king or the sovereign prince) now governed his territory and the people within the territory directly, instead of through his feudal vassals. Other feudal kings in Europe followed the trend and transformed their kingdoms into modern States. In 1938, Hitler created the Central Agency for Jewish Emigration and tasked Adolf Eichmann with running it. It was the religious wars of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, brought to an end by the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, which institutionalized, over the protests of the Pope, the right of sovereign authorities to decide inter alia on the religious constitution of their territories. It stated that all German states, including the Calvinist ones, should determine their own religion. Frank Chiang, in The One-China Policy: State, Sovereignty, and Taiwan's International Legal Status, 2018, As it is pointed out before, after the Peace of Westphalia, the principalities of the Holy Roman Empire, like northern Italian principalities, became States. The United Nations Charter, for instance, endorsed both human rights and the classic sovereignty principle of nonintervention. Reflecting the ascendance of liberal readings of sovereignty in the wake of the Holocaust, there were also major curtailments of sovereign state authority during the post-war era. Indeed, another paradox (which also involves the endemic jurisprudential debate between legal positivism and forms of legal analysis based on natural law) concerns the relationship between rights claims and their enforcement or recognition (see Natural Law). art vocab. Other Jews were killed in mobile killing stations, especially on the Eastern front. what was Spain excluded from because of France? was the Peace of Westphalia significant for the impact on domestic affairs? Since then the principal actors in international relations and in setting up legislation and the terms of trade have been sovereign states. the Spanish hold on Flanders and Franche-Comte, any remnants of ambitious foreign policy from Charles V, as he had been trying to establish Spanish dominance over Europe. The Peace of Westphalia established the precedent of peaces established by diplomatic congress, and a new system of political order in central Europe, later called Westphalian sovereignty, based upon the concept of co-existing sovereign states. Spanish Armada. Allegory of the Peace of Westphalia by Jacob Jordaens, 1654. The peace was negotiated, from 1644, in the Westphalian towns of Münster and Osnabrück. But, in principle, borderlands are commonly considered in a national context. The theory and practice of sovereignty prior to, and during, the World Wars appeared to be the enabler of many human cruelties. what did the German state of Bavaria gain from the Peace? Stephen Krasner similarly argues the treaties included at Westphalia had almost nothing to do with the tenets of what is commonly known as the Westphalian System (autonomy, territory, mutual recognition, and control). Fellow states invasion of treaty of westphalia definition quizlet out of thine house hath eaten me at the hegemony. Well, really France and Sweden signed separate documents; and although some fighting stopped, many combatants in Europe continued at war for another 10 to 20 years. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand acquired the status of States when the First World War ended. Madeley, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001. In fact, the political scientist Charles Tilly likens the creation of the modern state system to organized crime. In the Moluccas, the Spice Islands, the Dutch beat the Spanish in a great battle in 1649, a year after the The Peace of Westphalia (German: Westfälischer Friede) was a series of peace treaties which were signed between May and October 1648 in the Westphalian cities of Osnabrück and Münster, largely ending the European wars of religion, including the Thirty Years' War. Figure 1. the 2 Habsburg powers of Spain and Austria. Holocaust scholar Raul Hilberg documents various ways that ordinary Germans, so-called bystanders, benefited from the Holocaust, getting paid to transport Jews to train stations, cataloging their seized property, and in some cases purchasing their homes from the state. It contributed to a series of nationalist wars and culminated in the catastrophic World War I and II, which some historians have called a second thirty years war (1914–45). While individual leaders were responsible for developing the final solution and implementing it, German Nationalism allowed it to happen. The king issued (sovereign) currency and maintained his own army. The European Union is a particularly dramatic example of the tension between sovereignty understood as the right to enter freely into contracts, and sovereignty understood as autonomy or independence from external authority structures, but it is not unique. what did the Emperor of the HRE now have to obtain consent from the German States in order to do? Krasner, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001. The Peace of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years' War. The geographical system of regions consists of various sociospatial constructs, such as the geographical mosaic that has resulted from administrative and economic decisions. peace treaty of westphalia pacific quizlet responsible for international law takes precedence over german aggression. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The first wave of globalization washed over many old and traditional political authorities. The power taken by Ferdinand III in contravention of the Holy Roman Empire’s constitution was stripped and returned to the rulers of the Imperial States. Peace negotiated in … Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are such States.252. Benedict Anderson demonstrates that print capitalism played an important role in creating both a common language for emerging nations and geographic scope for them. The second wave of globalization also washed over many old and traditional political authorities. Search. Yet the Westphalian model of international law left no room for the international enforcement of individual rights, as its main objective was the recognition of the principle of territorial sovereignty (domestic jurisdiction) of strong states. In Germany, when feudalism broke down at the end of the Thirty Years War,21 hundreds of states appeared within the Holy Roman Empire. Peace of Westphalia, European settlements of 1648, which brought to an end the Eighty Years’ War between Spain and the Dutch and the German phase of the Thirty Years’ War.The peace was negotiated, from 1644, in the Westphalian towns of Münster and Osnabrück. Commemorative coins and prints featured one symbol in particular—the dove with an olive branch, a symbol for peace that’s still current today. Westphalian sovereignty is the concept of nation-state sovereignty based on two principles: territoriality and the exclusion of external actors from domestic authority structures. Thirty Years War (1618-1648) Peace of Westphalia. It also established the first official tolerance of religious pluralism, a crucial move in the rise of civil liberty and human rights. what did Sweden being given the right to deliberate and vote in the Diet mean? In Germany, countless villages and towns organized special celebration feasts. The modern State is a product of Western civilization.14 “The modern State” is a generic term. Edict of Nantes. refers to the seizure of the Portuguese merchant vessel, the S…. what was the Spanish Netherlands weakened by? What was the … In northern Europe, typically, Protestant national monarchies reinforced their developing authority (and their resource base) by taking the church over and introducing more or less Erastian (i.e., unilateral secular) patterns of control; in the south the typical pattern which resulted was an alliance between royal absolutism and national Catholic hierarchies until the French Revolution led to a similar assault on the church's property and independent authority. The Westphalia area of north-western Germany gave its name to the treaty that ended the Thirty Years' War, one of the most destructive conflicts in the history of Europe. The transformation of the feudal State into the modern State was followed by the rise of modern intellectual movements leading to the Age of Reason.28, J.T.S. Bodin called the princes of the principalities of the Holy Roman Empire “the sovereign princes.” However, even though the head of these States is Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, their sovereignty is not in Queen Elizabeth II, the Governors-General appointed by the English Queen, or the Prime Minister elected by Parliament. 2. 1588. The Peace of Westphalia, which brought the brutalities of the Thirty Years’ War to an end in 1648, still looms large as a major turning point in the history of both international law and international politics. The Peace did not create a world of autonomous political entities; the political units within the Empire (principalities, electorates, free cities) were still embedded within the larger institutional arrangements of the Empire which were, as a result of the Westphalian Peace, now subject to international guidance. what did Western Pomerania do after the Peace of Westphalia, now in the hands of Sweden? For instance, in 1665, the English King Charles II sent Walter Vane as the ambassador to the Elector of Brandenburg during the first Dutch War.27 This act of sending an ambassador to Brandenburg served as a formal recognition of the status of Brandenburg as a State. The war between the Catholics and the Protestants in the Holy…. For instance, the principle of noninterference, a major tenet of the Westphalian system, was only developed in the late 1800s by the Swiss jurist Emmerich de Vattel. It had to be promoted and protected by a great political and military power, one that was worldwide in scope. Major powers have not been reluctant to dictate the domestic political structures of their weaker counterparts, especially within their own spheres of influence. what disputes between France and Spain did the Peace of Westphalia not attempt to resolve? Limitations were placed upon states’ behavior through the establishment of the UN and the ratification of binding human rights covenants. During the early 1990s the US had instituted programs to protect its borders and stem the flow of illegal workers over the country’s southern border, and operations were set up to control the western end of the US–Mexican border more tightly. Poland, for instance, as a condition of recognition and admission to the League of Nations, agreed to bilingual education in some primary schools, and to refrain from holding elections on Saturday because such balloting would have violated the Jewish Sabbath. what did the Peace destroy the combination of? As researchers have shown, there are inclusions and exclusions in virtual worlds which are coming more and more to determine individuals’ social status. Westphalia or Westfalia is a region in Germany, centred on the cities of Arnsberg, Bielefeld, Dortmund, Minden and Münster. Since these States claim sovereignty, the sovereignty, like that of a republican State, can only reside in the State. The One-China Policy: State, Sovereignty, and Taiwan's International Legal Status, International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (Second Edition), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), Church and State: Political Science Aspects, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, The rise of the modern state with its characteristic claim to exclusive authority within a particular territory can be seen as part cause, part consequence of the Renaissance and Reformation crises in Western Europe which divided it between a Protestant north and a Roman Catholic south. the sovereignty and independence of each state was recognised, rendering the emperor virtually powerless. Traditionally, borders show the territorial dimension of state power. The Peace of Westphalia (German: Westfälischer Friede) was a series of peace treaties signed between May and October 1648 in the Westphalian cities of Osnabrück and Münster effectively ending the European wars of religion. AP Euro. M. Tykkyläinen, in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2009. Borderlands based on nation-states are central and generally known in our perception of what the regions of the world are (Figure 1). what did the German state of Saxony gain from the Peace? In 1648, the Peace of Westphalia, which ended the murderous Thirty Years' War in Europe between Catholic and Protestant states, constituted the first formal international recognition of the nation-state's autonomy from religious authority. what were Sweden confirmed the possession of? Mutual recognition, which obligates member states to recognize each others' national regulatory measures, creates extraterritorial authority because legislation in one state governs the activities of enterprises in others. Recognition of the Yugoslavian successor states was conditioned on their acceptance of constitutional provisions guaranteeing minority rights, and in Bosnia the Council of Europe established a set of external authority structures including a Human Rights Commission, a majority of whose members were appointed by the Council. On the one hand, it aims to increase cooperation between the borderlands of the EU and the adjacent countries, while on the other hand, it is increasing its control over the borders to prevent illegal interaction. All of the major peace treaties, beginning with the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, have legitimated to some extent external legitimation of domestic authority structures, sometimes as a result of fully voluntary and mutually beneficial accords, but at others as an outcome of asymmetrical bargaining power. 1648. Popular renderings have placed the emergence of sovereignty at the signing of the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, the series of treaties that ended the Thirty Years’ War that entangled much of Europe. Consideration of these earlier eras may help in understanding the current one. The states that made up the Holy Roman Empire were recognized as independent states, bringing an end to the Holy Roman Empire as a political entity.

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