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mfm thanksgiving sermon

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There will come a time when God will not always bother you to pray. You must follow a message like this and become a prophet yourself. Every spoiler of destiny begin to eat ashes till you die in Jesus’ name. Bow your heads to pray and tell the lord to forgive you and cleanse you of every dirtiness inside depriving you of the power of God upon your hands and your mouth. The devil has wreaked a lot of havoc upon humanity. Since you cannot see what they saw, you cannot comprehend their action. Saul the king was a tall man, God used him. Wherever my glory has fallen, be lifted now in the name of Jesus! When the devil appeared to him, he was taking his sermon from the Bible. Don’t forget the MFM convention on the 24th and the 25th of August 2019. Life is a journey, your life is like a pen, you write one chapter everyday. Stagnancy, I’m not your victim: go away in the name of Jesus (To be prayed 3X). The word “glory” is an interesting word. 5. 7. He make them falls like dust. Oh God arise, send a bigger Pharaoh to fight my Pharaoh in the name of Jesus! Command fear to get out off your life right now. The sacrifice of of the wicked elders carried against me in the midnight, let your fire swallow the wicked elders and the sacrifice in Jesus’name. 7. 4. 2. Prayer has won victory over the earth. When you deal with the issue of sin and the issue of flesh, every demonic attack against you will not produce any result. GET FREE ACCESS to all Dr D.K OLUKOYA’S DAILY PRAYERLINES & TEACHINGS MP3 AUDIO EPISODES from 2017-2019. The enemy has gone/ move to harass, to detain, to afflict, to limit, to restrict: from streets to streets, it has gone from family to families, community to communities, city to cities, village to villages. Thereafter, she warned her daughter in law that she should let her words get into her thick skull: that she is the first wife and her sons wife is the second wife and that whatever she wants to do that night in the bedroom would be done in her presence. Thanks for reading Today’s MFM Daily Devotional 1st January 2021 – Enter The Year With Thanksgiving, written by Pastor D. K. Olukoya. 11. 2. We need to live healthy life to avoid sufferings and pain. You are being provoked but God wants it to die in you still-born without retaliating. Death did not overcome Jesus. I frustrate every frustration targeted against my life by the power in the blood of Jesus (shout it three times). Go to bible study, go to Sunday school. We need to live a healthy life because the medical bills of a life time can often be spent in the last two years of life. 8. 4. Whether we like it or not, one day: people will gather and say dust unto dust and ashes unto ashes. By your name *JAH*: my heavens, Ephratah in the name of Jesus, 3. When you allow the devil to interpret the Bible to you, it is to trap your soul. Every spitting serpent assigned to poison my life, die in the name of Jesus. You will be able to torment your tormentors, 7. 16. My wicked enemies shall become walking corpses, in Jesus name. He created sixteen widows and sixteen fatherless homes. Many people are under bondage now, more than in any other period of human history. die in Jesus name 6. Voices of ‘thou shall not excel’, expire in the name of Jesus! He committed suicide and died later. Oh God arise (shout it three times), make me unstoppable in the name of Jesus. 8. She fell on her kneels and begged them as that was the way she could handle the frustration. A source of wonders, a mysterious wonder. Father, l thank You because You are the Lord God in the name of Jesus. – Believe. 14. One thing I can never forget is the joy in the faces of those there. Every hand programmed to put heavy load on my head, your time is up: catch fire in the name of Jesus! Don’t settle for or be a photocopy. Sponsor To their amazement, they will bind the witches but they will not go because they also possess the spirits witchcraft. 2. WEDNESDAY REVIVAL SERVICE In other words, the doctrines that you accept, you will believe. If with the status of prophet; Elijah prayed again, then, we need to pray more. 3 John 2 – “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”. Amulets, charms, magic powers were already in use to cage the souls of men. Evil spirits are personalities without bodies. It is titled ‘the devil’s sermon’. 18. 4. By the power in the blood of Jesus, i and my future spouse claim our complete deliverance from the spirit of fornication, adultery, sexual immorality and perversion, in the name of Jesus. (II Timothy 3:1-2) I. 40. 2. Glory means magnificence. When you were born, you came into this world crying and you started life. 4. It is a divine aura surrounding a person. 3. Many churches today do not want to sing hymns again. Hold your head with your two hands – 10). 9. Any strongman attached to any department of my life (marriage, career or finances): what are you waiting for, die in the name of Jesus! 14. – If they say someone has lifted up a hands against you, it means the person has rebelled against you. It gives us the power to speak, think, complain, imagine, control our body temperature, control our blood pressure, etc. He preaches to people that all what they need to enter heaven is to be nice to people. Shout this loud and clear: Every dragon at the edge of my breakthrough, what are you waiting for, die in the name of Jesus! Take stock of your life. Anywhere I appear this month, darkness shall disappear in the name of Jesus. There are some breakthroughs that cannot wait again. A. Thankful for His ministry of consolation (John 14:16,17) B. Thankful for His ministry of education (Titus 3:3:11,12; John 14:26) The Holy Scriptures is the textbook, the Holy Son is the theme, and the Holy Powers afflicting my family with battles, thunder of God, destroy them, in the name of Jesus. Thanks to the lord for the preservation of your life. I was going somewhere for a crusade and as we were being led to the plane, I noticed that the pilot out and was standing by the door, everybody was going in. and command it to leave. Failure cannot take root in your life without your permission. ⑤WHAT GOD HAS SAID ABOUT ME ARISE AND REPLACE WHAT THE ENEMY IS SAYING ABOUT ME BY FIRE. 15. The sorry state of our churches now is that the major national anthem of Christians now is ‘I receive it’. I wanted to enter and there was a man at the door and he said: ‘no, you cannot enter’. Those who prayed for fruit of the womb or marriage, the prayers in the pamphlet should be prayed for 15 minutes from 12am midnight. The next PMCH program has special prayers for those experiencing marital delay and those trusting God for the fruit of the womb should come with faith materials. They painted a very ugly picture of her situation and when I acted like I won’t  go, they started crying. One said, (an air hostess), where are you from, I see doctor on your name? Yet you must love the person. O God arise, and give me rest, on every side, in the name of Jesus. Peter had a good net, a good boat and was experienced too but he arrived at a place where the bible says that the foolish shall be equalled with the wise, they shall be used to trouble the wise. The unchristian thought. Prayer session: Arresting the arresters by Pastor Gbesan (A.G.O). One of the tragedies of this act is that after committing suicide, such person will go to hell fire. It is a terrible thing and most common demon in the world. Drinkers of blood and eaters of flesh, hear the word of the Lord; receive the spear of heaven, in the name of Jesus. I tread on them with the shoes of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The word ‘violence’ denotes strength and vigor. There are warrior angels, worship angels and messenger angers e.t.c. As cool as the valley is, it could be very dangerous. I download ancestral blessings on my head in the name of Jesus. Bow down your head and pray this prayer: Anything in my life that will prevent the rock of ages from fighting for me, no matter how I love it, take it away from my life. It was that enemy pharaoh that made us to read a lot of Moses. The bible says summit your self to God when you can resist the devil. Unfortunately, if God opens your eyes, many good things belonging to the children of God have been kept in satanic warehouses. Be persistent and never give up. The cross over for this year will take place at the prayer city. 4. The beauty so many people are proud of, in the score of characteristics in the Bible; heaven scores it as zero. We do not choose our enemies, not our battles or struggles, but we can choose our weapons of warfare. Today, I want to give you the opportunity to deal with your sin so that the prayers we are going to pray will not hinder you. 3. How could his brain be inside the pot and still be inside his head? It means that something has gone wrong somewhere. 17. Every nation you go, race you go or meet; have their own problems. Power of marital delay, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus! You have surrendered all like that song writer says; any power opposing you are running against an immovable stone. Gathering of the wicked, scatter; unity of darkness, die; association of strongman, die in the name of Jesus! He will not be able to memorize scriptures. Let the blockage be evacuated in the name of Jesus. TEXT:: MATTHEW 13:47, MATTHEW 10:16, LUKE 6:38. let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.”, 18. I said, “You can go sir” but he said, “Let me stay here a little bit sir. You need to understand that if you change your brain, you will change your life. You will overtake those that are heard of you in the name of Jesus! This soul-trapping has capacity to make somebody a zombie or a puppet. He can deploy inanimate objects to terrify the enemy. 15. A quick recap: 1. They can employ balaam against you. 9. A very very good preacher. 9. Matthew 8:14-17 – “And when Jesus was come into Peter’s house, he saw his wife’s mother laid, and sick of a fever. Meaning there are two spirits at work in you, the spirit and the flesh. He uses the Bible as his own text book. Every evil authority figure manipulating my life and destiny, your time is up, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Worldliness must disappear from your life. In every age before satan strikes, he first of all sends a spirit of slumber to everyone who suppose to be praying. What determines quick answers to your prayers: 1 Peter 2:24 – “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.”, 17. Any evil power turning to animal in order to attack me, divine hunters shoot them to death in Jesus’name. He (the chaplain) said one night, they were praying for the student and from one’s mouth, the grandmother and grandfather of the student was talking. 6. You must be a man or woman addicted to prayer. A person may lack legs and still be alive. In the name of Jesus. When the blood from heaven flows into your blood stream, it will energize your body, soul and spirit and deal with any arrow, or seed planted in any part of your body. This is the character of those they are summoning out of their bodies. 15. Warehouse of darkness, release my blessings by fire in the name of Jesus! 12. When they kept on calling, a stone appeared before them, they spoke to the stone, and it didn’t move. Psalms 92:1 It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: Praise and thanksgiving should be the lifestyle of every believer. Do you suddenly become dizzy? (For singles). Please, pray the following PRAYER POINTS with understanding and determination. 4. 17. On a recent trip, I was traveling to an MFM church in USA, I was inside a plane and there was an announcement that is there any medical doctor inside this plane? 5. Spiritual warfare to possess your possession Repent of these sins, name them and ask God to forgive you. There are two things that needs to be dealt with: These two things are very powerful entities in the spirit. When MFM is streaming multiple live events, MFM LIVE 2 ensures you don't miss any of the prophetic blessings! Be a man or woman of the word of God. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. You don’t have to offend anybody for problems to come your way. By your name *JAH*, my way, Ephratah in the name of Jesus. Special Live Broadcast, Topic: CONNECTING THE GREAT PHYSICIAN 11. He still didn’t talk but he was murmuring. God went to Ananias and called him by name to go lay hands on Saul and baptize him. What am I saying? The earlier it is discovered, the better. Psalm 50:16-21. 3. The most important thing in life is your relationship with Jesus. Thanking God for the 20th anniversary of founding the MFM, and Thanking God for the 3rd International Convention of the mountain of fire and miracles ministries. We should not be tempted to loose our temper and no one is perfect but only Jesus is perfect. Before Hymn Ministration prayers by Daddy D.K Olukoya: The Bible makes it categorically clear that we brought nothing into this world. They are valueless and empty vessels, making plenty of noise that heaven doesn’t recognize. While he was saying all these (1 Samuel 17:46), Goliath was just looking at him. Prayer is the only thing that we do in church the devil cannot do. You notice that what takes others to accomplish comes easily, but for you it is difficult. Their fore fathers took them to Egypt. The truth is this, if you decide that you’re not going to hell, demons and evil forces can do nothing to drag you there. We said every man righteous man will face the plot of the wicked. A Nigerian man came to me for counselling in New York and he cried bitterly, he wanted to stay in America by all means, even though he had a wife in Nigeria. Thou power of stagnation, die in the name of Jesus! In year 2010, 19 MFM members came with first class and were given cars. After following them home, they chatted and chatted and later the son asked his mum that are you not going home? If the man had knowledge of spiritual things, he would have known that the dead uncle living in a house under the waters, was a spirit, he would also have known that the fish he gave him was not ordinary and he would either not have taken it or would have thrown it away. Most people doesn’t realize it. 15. The spear is a symbol of divine intervention. I pray that every creation of the Almighty God will turn against your stubborn enemies in the name of Jesus! 2. Message: 16. Evil hand preparing evil garments for me, be cut off now by fire in the name of Jesus. Your glory is your urge for greatness. Violent men, I’m not your candidate: die in the name of Jesus. Every wicked enemy bragging against me, be disgraced by fire in the name of Jesus. 9. Ask a deer it food for breakfast and dinner they will say sheep because they are devourers. I want to be an example of holiness and a show piece of heaven. 7. 4. Give Any weapon fashioned against my new song and my new dance, die in the name of Jesus. He preaches to people that their sins are too many and because of that, God cannot forgive you. 5. 16. The battle of *”you shall become nothing”*: backfire in the name of Jesus. I said I’m a doctor but on another field. 17. That is why when you pray for the Holy Spirit and you don’t get it, you get confused. That is why the Bible says we should be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). It means being forceful beyond what is considered necessary. 1) Fear: Men run away from dangerous animals, electricity, accidents etc, because they fear death. There are two people who are always interpreting the Bible to you, the devil and the Holy Ghost. Paul said a greater and effectual door was open unto him, but there are many many adversaries. Key into the awesomeness of the prayers we are going to pray today. When the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries started in 1989, other churches laughed at us. 1. Many people don’t understand MFM prayers because we pray against the spirit or forces behind problems. May the Lord choose you for blessings this year. Sometimes, they have unexplainable sickness because all through the night, they have been taking them all over the place. The word of God never changes; for He says that the word which has gone out of His mouth shall prosper wherever He had sent them. I receive strength from the Lord, in the name of Jesus. Daniel started praying and fasting, he wanted to do it for three weeks. Powers assigned to make my sweat bitter, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus. He is self existent, He was not elected. I pursue, I overtake, and I recover all of my properties in witchcraft covens, in the name of Jesus. There shall be buses available to convey anyone attending. Today, take two steps: 11. Etc. LORD MY GOD. A man may think he is moving forward or he may think he is making progress but as far as God is concerned, he or she has been stagnant for ten years. Prayer Rain: During Ministration prayers by Daddy D.K Olukoya: 8. power of God arise and turn them upside down, *Powers fashioned to make me to serve those who should serve me,be roasted. No matter the negative words they at you try to repay back with positive force. Never think or speak negatively about yourself because that puts you in disagreement with God. 10. He was mocked and was given an award for the positions of dons and idiots. Once you make up your mind not to quit or be defeated, you won’t lose. Bow your heads: Anything thing that will prevent my prayers from receiving answers today, Father forgive me in the name of Jesus. Identify the area where the enemy wants to get hold of you. I kill every killer disease by the power in the blood of Jesus! 29. Every praiseful christian is a joyful christian and every joyful christian will always carry the presence of God around. You will do well to pay attention to tonight’s message and pray the prayer that will follow. 6. He (the area boy) started pushing him and punching him. So who are you really that you cannot be insulted? I am for the presence of the indwelling Spirit See 1Corinthians 3:16.Spirit takes up permanent residence in the believer at the moment of salvation. I was travelling one day in a commercial vehicle and it ran off the road. The best thing that can happen to you as a believer is to become God’s favorite. 50. 7. 22. The enemy looks at someone’s desires and goes ahead to give poverty to finish such. He prays general prayers and life remains stagnant. We are peculiar people, strange people. When truth are twisted, it will lead to error. In conclusion exhibit maturity and Christian brokenness all the time. – To kiss someone hands is an act of adoration. Any power trying to tie me to a candle, let the candle burn them to ashes in Jesus’name. All my blessings thrown into the water and the forest, I recover you by fire in the name of Jesus. There is nothing going on in this country that the righteousness and holy living of Christians cannot dissolve. The Bible says that God’s ultimate purpose for you is to carry His glory. 2. Developing a Grateful Heart. Every thing about the person is not moving. Powers that want me to die in battle, O God arise kill them in Jesus name Some wage war against themselves every day. If the enemy has realized that he has made a terrible mistake, it would not have harass them. Problem number 2 is that A lot of people are being invited to connect to the rock of ages but then, there are certain rough edges God need to remove from their lives. 21. Every spitting serpent assigned to poison my life, die in the name of Jesus. Power of inherited frustration, I’m not your candidate, die in the name of Jesus! Psalm 91:10 – “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling”, 6. If it were said that the lord Jesus would appear in the room where you are and that He would be there for just one second, your focus would be on the door; so that you will not miss Him. Powers, preparing hard life for me, die, in the name of Jesus Some would never have found the throne of grace if the enemy has not attacked them. That is why when you start the Prayers today, every Goliath today must know that there is a God in Israel who takes no nonsense from anyone. 11. 17. You must discover the way to the cross. You need to become the friend of God in order to pray these ocean dividing prayers we are going to pray today. As it was in the days of Noah, so it is here now. Mountain of Fire And Miracles Ministries Powers that want my destiny to have no voice, die in the name of Jesus! The one we think we are. This will be a continuous process in the next three sunday services. Powers of my fathers house assigned to waste my glory, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus! GALATIANS 1:10. Who to God that there will be some body here who will declare with fire and power that: ‘Lord I want to see You’. 9. There are symptoms by which you can recognize that the brain is under attack. The great apostle went to the king of that town that he wants to hold a crusade.

Alan Yang Gcp, Sunrise Church Victorville, Noto Fonts Github, The Fine Art Auction Australia, Entrada A España Covid, Mls Alberta Map, Nyit Off Campus Housing, Catholic Lectionary 2021, Macaroni And Chicken Strips Tiktok, Thrasher Shirt - Roblox, Cub Swanson Vs Daniel Pineda Full Fight Video, Columbia Bible College Student Portal, 2 4 Norma Crescent South, Stand By Me Quotes Friendship,


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