?��K�9���� �����U�:&6>W�A��:�:� Dictatorship & Democracy On 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland and on 3 September 1939 Britain den France declared war on Germany. Hitler and Speer wanted to create buildings which would last 1,00 years. He was the one that relentlessly threatened and invaded other states leading up to 1939, and it was also he, along with Stalin, that signed he Nazi-Soviet Pact and invaded Poland, which truly triggered WWII . To do so, his Germany will rearm in 1935 as he didn’t accept having a tiny army to defend his country from a possible attack. At the 1935 Rally of Freedom, Hitler introduced the Nuremberg Laws which were a series of anti-semitic measures introduced by the Nazis to socially isolate Germany’s Jewish minority and deprive its members of their basic civil rights. He also made it clear that Austria and Czechoslovakia would have to be seized. In total, this essay would probably achieve around 46 out of 60. Britain, Italy, and France formed the Stresa front to protest Hitler’s plans but took no direct action. They preferred to … In conclusion, Hitler’s foreign policy, enabled by appeasement and the Treaty of Versailles caused war to a large extent in the short term. A polish corridor was created to give access to the sea, but the territory separated East Prussia from the rest of Germany. The memory of. This. Some of you paragraphs should not be paragraphs, as they could easily be in the paragraph before – remember, new point, new paragraph! 'CTm�o���iNM���lq�Y�)�N�*T�']�Ѡ�K���-�eA`�tӃ7��,����z��M�����z;HPoEao��9�g��&4Y�/)����V��X�8�kČq��'tF�Q�dN4��rO��n�gQ����s�O�3�:��GK��;b�wj��_�O�W�� ��h��i��-P��lkҫ�=g%)�[�a���p<=���ڧ^���`�^��)}�s7A���, Nuremberg was seen as representing all that was best in German culture . Some of you paragraphs should not be paragraphs, as they could easily be in the paragraph before – remember, new point, new paragraph! Just when it seemed an agreement had been reached, Hitler made new demands and it looked as if war was inevitable. At the same time, Hitler intensified the programme of secret rearmament that had begun under the Weimar government. The outbreak of WW2 on September 1939 occurred due to numerous factors. You should try to incorporate some quotations into your essays to bring up your mark. He also said that Germany as going to build up its air force, Luftwaffe, and expand its navy. With the help of Goebbels and Riefenstahl, Hitler found a way to indoctrinate and brainwash most Germans into both following and agreeing with his policies. It was a popular policy at the time. Hitler used this fear to his advantage. You can bring this up by clearly linking every paragraph to the question, and by providing more commentary. flashcards from Matt Mitchell's class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. Poland rejected this demand, and Britain and France agreed to support Poland. For example, the Rally of Freedom celebrated breaking the Treaty of Versailles with the introduction of conscription. Extensive use was made of symbols such as banners, flags and standards. Riefenstahl claimed that she only directed films and was not a follower of Hitler’s ideas. Ȩh3���6��0�qJK���S�zI���� ��@z;����2��7��Hz'C7�g@A���Y ��/�>Qƈƒ�b��'9߈x:���hiԟ'�g-5��9R����吸C������5[��qv�����e%�7e�t"(����?��ha�S�&zCx��e���,�ݟ�O�pM��A�4Vˡ,-��]ٔm��EH6t�Y�Ƹ�I����"�`1�و� 4. The spectacular setting of the stadium, lit by bonfires and searchlights created a dramatic backdrop for Hitler’s speeches. All rights reserved. After Hitler’s suicide, Goebbels, his wife and six children also committed suicide. In 1936, Riefenstahl filmed the Berlin Olympics. The three countries were also anti-communist and more worried about Stalin than Hitler. Britain guaranteed to come to the aid of Poland and other eastern European countries if they were attacked. Hitler was responsible for the outbreak of World War 2 (1939) to a significant extent. Again, Britain and France did not act as Britain’s new prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, was following a policy for appeasement which involved giving in to Hitler’s reasonable demands to prevent another European war from breaking out. On 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland and on 3 September 1939 Britain den France declared war on Germany. Hitler was an opportunist and one of his main tactics to get his foreign policy aims was to use the threat of war against Britain and France, as he knew that they were reluctant to go to war. In Riefenstahl’s case, she was cleared of being a Nazi. To what extent was Hitler's foreign policy 1933-1939, responsible for the outbreak of World War II? Hitler encouraged the Sudeten Germans to demonstrate against Czech rule and to demand more control of their own affairs. The United States foreign-policy, from 1902 the outbreak of World War I, was a policy of isolation. Cumulative Mark: Some of your paragraphs could achieve a 5 or a 6, which is quite good as it’s very hard to achieve higher marks here, but there are others that would score around a 3. The most effective propaganda weapon Goebbels could deploy was the ‘Cult of Personality’. Loudspeakers were placed in streets and bars for those who were not within reach of a radio. The medieval city of Nuremberg was chosen by Hitler because of its links with German history. o In the east wanted: § as far as the Caucasus and Iran. The result was a major propaganda boost for Hitler who could claim his policies had the backing of the German people. Hitler’s invasion of Poland was the eventual catalyst for. 3. To conclude, Goebbels was very successful in creating a cult of personality for Hitler through his carefully written speeches, German News Bureau and mass gatherings. Hitler's Foreign Policy. Leni Riefenstahl, a German film actress and director was asked by Hitler to make a documentary film of the 1934 Nuremberg Rally. i��}���Hp��9$�_��! How effective were the internal and external policies of Benito Mussolini? Hitler had to proceed cautiously at first because his regime was viewed with great suspicion and Germany was isolated internationally. H1 History: To What Extent Was Hitler's Foreign Policy Responsible for the Outbreak of WW2 added by aislingolear1 — EUR3. The first was called the Rome-Berlin Axis Pact and allied Hitler's Germany with Mussolini's Italy. The second world war would not have occurred without Hitler’s aggressive foreign policy aims but, despite their wishes to the contrary, the other European powers had roles in the outbreak of this war. H flew to Germany and met Hitler twice, following his policy of appeasement. You can bring this up by making sure that every paragraph is relevant to the question, by making some stronger commentary on the information you’re providing, and by bringing up the number of paragraphs in your essay by splitting some of those really long ones into two shorter ones. he used the excuse that the other powers had not disarmed. On 23 August 1939, Germany and the. He used the Berlin Olympics 1936 and the Nuremberg Rally’s to spread Nazi beliefs. The many things that he did like going against the Treaty of Versailles which included the rearmament of Germany, his Lebensraum policy where he wanted to take over neighboring lands and gain more territory for Germany and his disrespect to the treaties he made. Secretly they divided Poland and eastern Europe between them. 2011 1. In March 1939 Hitler took over the Czech lands, and the occupation outraged British opinion and marked the end of appeasement. In 1939 Hitler demanded the return of Danzig to Germany. Some of your paragraphs could achieve a 5 or a 6, which is quite good as it’s very hard to achieve higher marks here, but there are others that would score around a 3. He was clear about his aims as to what Germany should focus on internationally. This action enraged Hitler and von Schuschnigg was forced to reign. endobj Goebbels and Riefenstahl had an immense effect on Nazi propaganda. He predicted that these actions might provoke a … It is debatable that Hitler was solely responsible for the events in which lead to and occurred during the Second World War. Fearing an expensive naval arms race against Germany, Britain agreed to limit the German navy to 35 percent of the size of the royal navy and no limit was placed on the number of submarines they could build. %PDF-1.7 It had a large German minority numbering over 3 million people. disarmament conference and the League of Nations. ϴ�;Ȅ ޕ6NE��s�+$_�z�|+U���eE���q���"N�Fp��.c��5e���[�!��)P� Their united front was weakened by Britain, who had sympathy for Germany as they felt they had been treated harshly at Versailles. Riefenstahl used elaborate staging, mobile cameras and filmed at night to capture the intense, feverish atmosphere at Nuremberg. Hitler blamed the treaty for much of Germany’s troubles since 1918. Tension grew, and Britain, France, and Germany were all trying to gain the support of the Ussr (This is an acronym so needs to be capitalized, USSR) in the vent (event) of the war. He was threatened and bullied at the meeting and forced to place leading Austrian Nazi’s in his government. However, Hitler, a ruthless dictator, brought much of the conflict upon himself with ideas already stated in his autobiography, Mein Kampf, outlining his ideas for foreign policy. At the same time, Hitler intensified the programme of secret rearmament that had begun under the Weimar government. While everything that you’re saying is correct and relevant information, you need to be clearer about which parts are evidence of Hitler’s role in causing WW2, and which parts are related to other factors. Hitler wanted to bring the land of his birth under German control and there was a Nazi party operating in Austria. Saarland had been placed under the control of the league of nations to allow the French to exploit its coalfields for 15 years. �|Иjk�1���@I�Eoڽ=����+t8N`j��� Later in life she became well-known as a still photographer and an underwater photographer. In conclusion, Hitler was not the sole cause of the outbreak of world war 2, but he was the primary cause. However, these causes can be traced back to the late 19th century, when nationalism and empire building placed a strain on the diplomatic system. S�b�}j�������aGi��(�� a������JX��̗�F�� Entitled ‘Triumph of the Will’, this film chronologically followed the events of that Rally from its opening ceremonies to Hitlers closing address. 2. Hitler was an opportunist and one of his main tactics to get his foreign policy aims was to use the threat of war against Britain and France, as he knew that they were reluctant to go to war. German troops were ‘invited in’ by the new prime minister, the Austrian Nazi leader Arthur seyss- inquart. In 1939 Hitler demanded the return of Danzig to Germany. You also should be a bit clearer about how each event was a part of the cause of the War. The three countries were also anti-communist and more worried about Stalin than Hitler. All materials copyrighted 2021. Riefenstahl played with the idea of under-water diving shots, extremely high and low shooting angles and panoramic aerial shots also. Hitler and many Germans detested the Treaty of Versailles. While Hitler was a great cause for World War … In Hitler's first year of power (1933)he withdrew Germany from the League of Nations and the Disarmament conference. You also should be a bit clearer about how each event was a part of the cause of the War. And having this end in view he did certain things which made the allies look at him so very suspiciously. @ZLYi/�Z`��R�A؈�#� s���4��klxQ���|�w�(���/:��&���uV���F1�"_���8@�7JcbK���� F�*9Y~�3��S�KE�X�d�h��ʔ���"Ie�[��m.G���ь�2k.i"��ڲ-�� �����9��D��Up���Y`�ŀ��,�?� ��툈�?�}K���l=x�fQ�j o@�1�e���8���W�P���w�m*�� C�� �fCK��� �[��+R�[&� �O,�"zj�eŲ���f�u�q�9��g��@�}��:�'%�y��.T!�N�х��o�u�W� �!�r��0⛅e�����y��c`%�QkJ�p����3��*[�� �E$J�deִ���\0�,���G��c��3�T�n�i�ߌw�iv|4z��dv:�%�%�c�����F�l]��jj�DT&���Μc�7�4�1~^��m����� :�� ���V2un��nUG�8�Y�"P���/@�F-�Y3"���uU�v�)�&$h�n�rl[Ҋ�>�����"��p��]$$�Wt���͌�D���h�g��{��k��&�9\��,J�������YT��1�*r6��=���H+�� �^سKv7��s PR��#����%� � �"it$�3�>�̱��z1��KFɎ1(Ӭނ�ZV��:+���U�0!�^���p�p�s�3=������x؛.����(eM�Ӻl:葀��z�U?r��, uţ�e-��`�Y��4o���΍5/�����6��8�PW�gX ). This action enraged Hitler and von Schuschnigg was forced to reign. He also used newspapers, books, radio and symbols to spread such ideas. While Hitler's foreign policy was the primary cause of WW2, there were many other contributing factors, such as Britain and France's policy of appeasement and the weakness of the League of Nations. The tasks of German foreign policy in preparing for the coming war were to: undo the military restrictions and reverse the territorial losses imposed by the Treaty of Versailles; take over neighboring lands with ethnic German populations; arrange pacts that would enable Germany to advance its war plans; and build alliances that would help Germany achieve its territorial goals. In January 1935 over 90 percent of the Saarland population voted to return to German control. Feedback: It is clear from your introduction and your conclusion that you know exactly how you want to answer this question and what you want to say, but in the body of the essay, it becomes a bit unclear. What measures had Hitler taken by 1938 to prepare Germany for war? This allowed him to increase the size of his army by turning the thousands of unemployed into soldiers. The plans also included a number of large buildings such as the Congress Hall, these were linked by the Great Road. The United States foreign-policy did not want to intervene into any foreign disputes. While everything that you’re saying is correct and relevant information, you need to be clearer about which parts are evidence of Hitler’s role in causing WW2, and which parts are related to other factors. Hitler wanted to destroy Poland to gain lebensraum for the German people and create an empire in the east. Britain and France turning a blind eye to his aggressive expansionist policies through Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement and the ineffectiveness of the league of nations were also factors. What were the aims of Hitler’s foreign policy? !�F��p��~%�5�nR��U`�mMH�65�v"BWe���Aȃ�J���� ������3�~��,:��s�1Gk��c�R��58��0Ҥ� They helped to reinforce his image as Germany’s saviour. But the most important causes (which ultimately gave him power) had happened prior to when he was appointed chancellor. “To what extent was Hitler responsible for the Second World War?” ‘From the first day that he "seized power," January 30, 1933, Hitler knew that only sudden death awaited him if he failed to restore pride and empire to post-Versailles Germany.’ The Second World War was the deadliest battle in History. German troops were ‘invited in’ by the new prime minister, the Austrian Nazi leader Arthur seyss- inquart. Hitler also made two important alliances during 1936. To what extent did Lenin… 2012 1. A daily press conference was held at which editors were told what view to take on various issues. The area had a series of large open spaces such as the Zeppelin Field, the Luitpold Arena and the March Field. The film was entitled ‘Olympia’ which she divided into two parts. Theme 5 – To What Extent was Hitler’s Foreign Policy to Blame for the Outbreak of WW2 Author: gabriellabooth@yahoo.co.uk Last modified by: gabriellabooth@yahoo.co.uk Created Date: 5/17/2016 5:53:00 PM Other titles: Theme 5 – To What Extent was Hitler’s Foreign Policy to Blame for the Outbreak of WW2 To what extent was Hitler’s foreign policy, 1933-1939, responsible for the outbreak of World War II? Britain, Italy, and France formed the Stresa front to protest Hitler’s plans but took no direct action. It is still hotly debated whether Leni Riefenstahl was a Nazi or not. In February 1938 Austrian prime minister Kurt von. ) endobj The Treaty of Versailles in 1919 forced Germany and its allies to accept sole responsibility for causing the First World War and committed it to making … Albert Speer, a young architect became involved in the organisation of the rally. The treaty had given Poland independence and economic control of the German-speaking port of Danzig. In January 1935 over 90 percent of the Saarland population voted to return to German control. Hitler was responsible for the outbreak of World War 2(1939) to a significant extent. Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister, used all available means to ensure the loyalty of the German people. That “moral claim” for Britain’s policy in World War II of course only holds water if one accepts the demonization of Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany, including the proposition that it was worthwhile for Britain to sacrifice her blood and treasure so that Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe could be under Soviet rather than German hegemony. Hitler’s aims were to destroy Communism, Lebensraum in the east, destroy the Treaty of Versailles and to unite all German speaking people. To what extent was Hitler’s foreign policy, 1933-1939, responsible for the outbreak of World War II? Fearing an expensive naval arms race against Germany, Britain agreed to limit the German navy to 35 percent of the size of the royal navy and no limit was placed on the number of submarines they could build. In March 1935 Hitler announced that Germany was going to reintroduce conscription and create an army of over half a million men. In many ways, Hitler was responsible for WW2. Slogans such as ‘Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Führer’ were used to get across the worship of Hitler. This involved placing a camera on rails to follow the athletes movement. However, ‘Triumph of the Will’ destroyed her career as a film director after the Second World War because of its association with the Nazis. The many things that he did like going against the Treaty of Versailles which included the rearmament of Germany, his Lebensraum policy where he wanted to take over neighboring lands and gain more territory for Germany and his disrespect to the treaties he made. Hitler's actions and Foreign Policy can be interpreted to show that he always wanted a fight, and that the outbreak of WWII was inevitable. Their united front was weakened by Britain, who had sympathy for Germany as they felt they had been treated harshly at Versailles. Hitler’s next bold move was the remilitarisation of the Rhineland in 1936, which was banned by the treaty of Versailles. Hitler had four main aims in foreign policy: To undo the hated Treaty of Versailles. These actions were against the terms of the treaty of Versailles but were popular in Germany. It is clear from your introduction and your conclusion that you know exactly how you want to answer this question and what you want to say, but in the body of the essay, it becomes a bit unclear. Hitler’s foreign policy was based on the Nazi party policies which sought to bring an end to Germanys restrictions under the Versailles treaty and to make Germany a great power again, to unite all German speakers into a greater Germany and to create a German empire in eastern Europe and thereby acquire land for German settlers in Poland and Russia. In March 1935 Hitler announced that Germany was going to reintroduce conscription and create an army of over half a million men. According to Ian Kershaw, Hitler defines his foreign policy as "the art of securing for a people, the necessary quantity and quality of lebensraum" Deflated from the effects of The Treaty of Versailles, German economy was crippled, the army was reduced, and they suffered from loss of Land. Stalin did not trust Britain and France and felt that they were encouraging Germany to attack Russia. German propaganda accused the poles of mistreating the German minority who lived in their country. He told the meeting that the chief aim of German foreign policy was the conquest of living space, which had to be achieved by force between 1943 and 1945. You'll learn how his actions brought Europe closer and closer to a war which finally began in … They met in Munich on 28 September 1938, and the Czechs were not invited. O�I����q2O��S��ݻ؅\�xj�mZ��A��CZ٠��p��~�hDq���B;{u(�@F�͓��'�Ɵ #j�Xg�2 �@`0�.�@OjQ��v.�k7�L�q=���d&���g���Fz�Z9��*/ �ER]K���i�]�}��O0�^��,l- i#aWD]�ڧ+ ��46ՎTF��$�_amwۑ��~�z�%�M��7EfEӅ�G��̉D 6�� �K�XH��0OA� I�"�L Hitler concluded that Britain and France were weak and that he could get away with more aggressive actions. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612.25 792.25] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Riefenstahl was an unusual choice in that she was not a member of the Nazi party. On his return to Austria, he tried to stop the spreading German influence by calling a referendum. a) Describe the events in the Saar in 1935. Those aims can be summed up in three key areas. 4. The accumulation of crisis after crisis built almost irresistible pressure for war. You should try to incorporate some quotations into your essays to bring up your mark. The treaty had given Poland independence and economic control of the German-speaking port of Danzig. The League of Nations condemned this action but did nothing else as Britain was not prepared to take any action and France would not act without British support. He had been angered by the results of the Munich conference and was therefore prepared to listen to Germany. x��[Ys��~W��^R&R��ͪ�M�^��d7�d��!���,C�}��g�{.f(ٙ�P ����_��$�}���WoH��O^��*���,ϊ:ϋ$OV$��H&~~����x~������Y�X��������%m���N�|�5ɻ[qϛ_�d{�%[���oo����J�'��t~�Z����'�Y�l�uV�8)��"y��$��˾f�eš,/j��M�u���ݥ�XD������Cz�Ư�sZ�o͊��%]�]p�!������r�O/Y�7�O����۰�|I�5K/��>J��z�{�_mօvm����ҵڙ����o�������Ѕ.Z-�Q|�V�+����4�f���]ڮ���+��F�?$�W��F=�>�,�~~����.�)����o��å*�gupÏ�T�5.t���n1��2c���h��G�~H��>=;$(9P��������*b�����q4���=i���k!��u{�h�h�/�'qV�3Y�AI�[X9���p��7�-�4_NFE=:�?�k���A�����d\Sr�kK�Oʽ���������-�MNq&��K��?�ˑ��3����$_�!^����F���Q��p�Ҭ��+�D���p�YJ+��h;�%�b�QBF{���9����X]:��EnAo0SE�Á?�? Under the Treaty of Versailles, the allies had prohibited a union between Austria and Germany after ww1, even though there was strong support for this union in both countries. <> This event became known as the Anschluss. He also said that Germany as going to build up its air force, Luftwaffe, and expand its navy. Hitler’s foreign policy was based on the Nazi party policies which sought to bring an end to Germanys restrictions under the Versailles treaty and to make Germany a great power again, to unite all German speakers into a greater Germany and to create a German empire in eastern Europe and thereby acquire land for German settlers in Poland and Russia. Goebbels saw the Rallies as a way to glorify Hitler, spread Nazi ideology and celebrate Nazi achievements. Hitler's next step was to begin taking back the land that had been taken away from Germany. The Nazis controlled the publication of newspapers and books. In total, this essay would probably achieve around 46 out of 60. To what extent was Hitler’s foreign policy (1933-1939) responsible for the outbreak of WW2? "]e��QZ�X}�'�2]5��K������6R�����r�~�oQbw"�. Maybe the war … Germany didn’t need Hitler in person to begin the war, as it was tilting it that direction ever since 1919. If Germany attacked Czechoslovakia, it would mean a general European war as the Czechs were allied with France. Hitler presented the demands of his allies, Hungary and Poland, for Czech land. In 1939, the International Olympic Committee honoured her for directing and producing that film. On 7 March 1936, Hitler moved 10,000 troops into the Rhineland. This event became known as the Anschluss. Hitler’s next target was Czechoslovakia, the only democracy in eastern Europe at the time, which contained a lot of industry and had a good army. What were the main characteristics of Stalin’s rule in Russia? Watch out for some small language errors, which I’ve highlighted in bold. They could not tolerate the rising power of Germany and they refused to give back German territories and colonies. - Ultimately, it was Hitler's aggressive foreign policy that caused WWII. She was one of the first filmmakers to use tracking shots in a documentary. This outbreak of war can be traced back to Hitler’s foreign policy, which was greatly responsible World War II. However, Hitler, a ruthless dictator, brought much of the conflict upon himself with ideas already stated in his autobiography, Mein Kampf, outlining his ideas for foreign policy. In conclusion, Hitler was responsible for the outbreak of the Second World War to a certain extent. These actions were against the terms of the treaty of Versailles but were popular in Germany. She was the first to use many of today’s filmmaking techniques. After ww1 Saarland had been placed under the control of the league of nations to allow the French to exploit its coalfields for 15 years. Hitler hoped the news of this pact would stop France and Britain from going to war if Germany attacked Poland. 3 0 obj In 1933, in protest that the allies had not disarmed after ww1 (World War One), Germany left eh (the?) Hitler was responsible to a large degree, however (don’t use however where you could use but), cannot be accountable for every aspect in which the sequence of events unfolded (Every aspect of the events that unfolded – you don’t need “in which” here). A polish corridor was created to give access to the sea, but the territory separated East Prussia from the rest of Germany. The British and French agreed to the demands and it seemed as if peace had been preserved. In the years leading up to World War II, Britain and France underestimated just how determined Adolf Hitler was in his lust for conquest. Goebbels created the image of Hitler through carefully staged photographs, portraits, posters and meetings. 6. Poland rejected this demand, and Britain and France agreed to support Poland. ���=M�W��-\�(= This policy was called Lebensraum. Hitler was an over-ambitious man. Learn faster with spaced repetition. These conditions aided the aggressiveness of Hitler's foreign policy and On 23 August 1939, Germany and the Ussr reached an agreement known as the Nazi-soviet non-aggression pact where both countries promised not to attack each other. He was asked by Hitler to draw up an overall plan for the Nazi Party grounds. Hitler’s invasion of Poland was the eventual catalyst for ww2 (World War Two). The policy of appeasement was widely pursued by Britain and France in the 1930s, when it referred to attempting to satisfy Germany's demands by negotiation and compromise, which would avoid war. which lead to and occurred during the Second World War. @24 �.�MO�4��C��HE&�l�kT��Z⋧N�s� Both suffered as a result. Hitler had to proceed cautiously at first because his regime was viewed with great suspicion and Germany was isolated internationally. It was regarded as the unofficial capital of the Holy Roman Empire. Secretly they divided Poland and eastern Europe between them. Under the Treaty of Versailles, the allies had prohibited a union between Austria and Germany after, , even though there was strong support for this union in both countries. Tension grew, and Britain, France, and Germany were all trying to gain the support of the, of the war. One way of spreading Nazi propaganda was that each rally had a different theme, usually celebrating recent Nazi achievements. was strong in these countries and they were prepared to compromise to avoid another war. Nuremberg was also a strong Nazi base with ‘Der Strumer’ an anti-semitic newspaper being published there: It was a central location with seven railway lines converging there. The second was called the Anti-Comintern Pact and allied Germany with Japan. Black Thursday brings the roaring twenties to a screaming halt, … Nazi propaganda involved the use of deception and falsehoods to convince people to support Adolf Hitler’s agenda and follow his commands. Jewish editors were fired and anti-Nazi newspapers were closed down. Mussolini knew Italy was not ready for war and he proposed a conference with Britain, France, Germany, and Italy to settle the dispute. The Allies had been victorious, but many of Europe's economies and infrastructures had been devastated, including those of the victors. Although Hitler came to power in 1933 through democratic means, he had to avail of many forms of propaganda in order to grip all aspects of people’s lives: social, political, economical, and personal. He was just the man who pushed it across the borderline. You can bring this up by clearly linking every paragraph to the question, and by providing more commentary. People were encouraged to buy a ‘Peoples Radio’ which could only receive Nai radio stations. The result was a major propaganda boost for Hitler who could claim his policies had the backing of the German people. It is debatable that Hitler was solely responsible for the events in which lead to and occurred during the Second World War. This paragraph doesn’t really add much to this particular answer. 90s Retro Hats, Houses For Rent Nescopeck, Pa, Hulu Watch Party Roku, Babita Phogat Husband, Lada Kalina Cena, Visitare Isola Bella, F1 Qualifying Bahrain 2021 Time, Polaris Gps Navigation App For Iphone, Real Estate Bayswater Sold, Entrada A España Covid, Seventh-day Adventist Morning Devotional Pdf 2021, Church Of Pentecost Near Me, To What Extent Was Hitler's Foreign Policy Responsible For Ww2, Wiki Bags Amazon, The Wedding Shop Uk, " /> ?��K�9���� �����U�:&6>W�A��:�:� Dictatorship & Democracy On 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland and on 3 September 1939 Britain den France declared war on Germany. Hitler and Speer wanted to create buildings which would last 1,00 years. He was the one that relentlessly threatened and invaded other states leading up to 1939, and it was also he, along with Stalin, that signed he Nazi-Soviet Pact and invaded Poland, which truly triggered WWII . To do so, his Germany will rearm in 1935 as he didn’t accept having a tiny army to defend his country from a possible attack. At the 1935 Rally of Freedom, Hitler introduced the Nuremberg Laws which were a series of anti-semitic measures introduced by the Nazis to socially isolate Germany’s Jewish minority and deprive its members of their basic civil rights. He also made it clear that Austria and Czechoslovakia would have to be seized. In total, this essay would probably achieve around 46 out of 60. Britain, Italy, and France formed the Stresa front to protest Hitler’s plans but took no direct action. They preferred to … In conclusion, Hitler’s foreign policy, enabled by appeasement and the Treaty of Versailles caused war to a large extent in the short term. A polish corridor was created to give access to the sea, but the territory separated East Prussia from the rest of Germany. The memory of. This. Some of you paragraphs should not be paragraphs, as they could easily be in the paragraph before – remember, new point, new paragraph! 'CTm�o���iNM���lq�Y�)�N�*T�']�Ѡ�K���-�eA`�tӃ7��,����z��M�����z;HPoEao��9�g��&4Y�/)����V��X�8�kČq��'tF�Q�dN4��rO��n�gQ����s�O�3�:��GK��;b�wj��_�O�W�� ��h��i��-P��lkҫ�=g%)�[�a���p<=���ڧ^���`�^��)}�s7A���, Nuremberg was seen as representing all that was best in German culture . Some of you paragraphs should not be paragraphs, as they could easily be in the paragraph before – remember, new point, new paragraph! Just when it seemed an agreement had been reached, Hitler made new demands and it looked as if war was inevitable. At the same time, Hitler intensified the programme of secret rearmament that had begun under the Weimar government. The outbreak of WW2 on September 1939 occurred due to numerous factors. You should try to incorporate some quotations into your essays to bring up your mark. He also said that Germany as going to build up its air force, Luftwaffe, and expand its navy. With the help of Goebbels and Riefenstahl, Hitler found a way to indoctrinate and brainwash most Germans into both following and agreeing with his policies. It was a popular policy at the time. Hitler used this fear to his advantage. You can bring this up by clearly linking every paragraph to the question, and by providing more commentary. flashcards from Matt Mitchell's class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. Poland rejected this demand, and Britain and France agreed to support Poland. For example, the Rally of Freedom celebrated breaking the Treaty of Versailles with the introduction of conscription. Extensive use was made of symbols such as banners, flags and standards. Riefenstahl claimed that she only directed films and was not a follower of Hitler’s ideas. Ȩh3���6��0�qJK���S�zI���� ��@z;����2��7��Hz'C7�g@A���Y ��/�>Qƈƒ�b��'9߈x:���hiԟ'�g-5��9R����吸C������5[��qv�����e%�7e�t"(����?��ha�S�&zCx��e���,�ݟ�O�pM��A�4Vˡ,-��]ٔm��EH6t�Y�Ƹ�I����"�`1�و� 4. The spectacular setting of the stadium, lit by bonfires and searchlights created a dramatic backdrop for Hitler’s speeches. All rights reserved. After Hitler’s suicide, Goebbels, his wife and six children also committed suicide. In 1936, Riefenstahl filmed the Berlin Olympics. The three countries were also anti-communist and more worried about Stalin than Hitler. Britain guaranteed to come to the aid of Poland and other eastern European countries if they were attacked. Hitler was responsible for the outbreak of World War 2 (1939) to a significant extent. Again, Britain and France did not act as Britain’s new prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, was following a policy for appeasement which involved giving in to Hitler’s reasonable demands to prevent another European war from breaking out. On 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland and on 3 September 1939 Britain den France declared war on Germany. Hitler was an opportunist and one of his main tactics to get his foreign policy aims was to use the threat of war against Britain and France, as he knew that they were reluctant to go to war. In Riefenstahl’s case, she was cleared of being a Nazi. To what extent was Hitler's foreign policy 1933-1939, responsible for the outbreak of World War II? Hitler encouraged the Sudeten Germans to demonstrate against Czech rule and to demand more control of their own affairs. The United States foreign-policy, from 1902 the outbreak of World War I, was a policy of isolation. Cumulative Mark: Some of your paragraphs could achieve a 5 or a 6, which is quite good as it’s very hard to achieve higher marks here, but there are others that would score around a 3. The most effective propaganda weapon Goebbels could deploy was the ‘Cult of Personality’. Loudspeakers were placed in streets and bars for those who were not within reach of a radio. The medieval city of Nuremberg was chosen by Hitler because of its links with German history. o In the east wanted: § as far as the Caucasus and Iran. The result was a major propaganda boost for Hitler who could claim his policies had the backing of the German people. Hitler’s invasion of Poland was the eventual catalyst for. 3. To conclude, Goebbels was very successful in creating a cult of personality for Hitler through his carefully written speeches, German News Bureau and mass gatherings. Hitler's Foreign Policy. Leni Riefenstahl, a German film actress and director was asked by Hitler to make a documentary film of the 1934 Nuremberg Rally. i��}���Hp��9$�_��! How effective were the internal and external policies of Benito Mussolini? Hitler had to proceed cautiously at first because his regime was viewed with great suspicion and Germany was isolated internationally. H1 History: To What Extent Was Hitler's Foreign Policy Responsible for the Outbreak of WW2 added by aislingolear1 — EUR3. The first was called the Rome-Berlin Axis Pact and allied Hitler's Germany with Mussolini's Italy. The second world war would not have occurred without Hitler’s aggressive foreign policy aims but, despite their wishes to the contrary, the other European powers had roles in the outbreak of this war. H flew to Germany and met Hitler twice, following his policy of appeasement. You can bring this up by making sure that every paragraph is relevant to the question, by making some stronger commentary on the information you’re providing, and by bringing up the number of paragraphs in your essay by splitting some of those really long ones into two shorter ones. he used the excuse that the other powers had not disarmed. On 23 August 1939, Germany and the. He used the Berlin Olympics 1936 and the Nuremberg Rally’s to spread Nazi beliefs. The many things that he did like going against the Treaty of Versailles which included the rearmament of Germany, his Lebensraum policy where he wanted to take over neighboring lands and gain more territory for Germany and his disrespect to the treaties he made. Secretly they divided Poland and eastern Europe between them. 2011 1. In March 1939 Hitler took over the Czech lands, and the occupation outraged British opinion and marked the end of appeasement. In 1939 Hitler demanded the return of Danzig to Germany. Some of your paragraphs could achieve a 5 or a 6, which is quite good as it’s very hard to achieve higher marks here, but there are others that would score around a 3. He was clear about his aims as to what Germany should focus on internationally. This action enraged Hitler and von Schuschnigg was forced to reign. endobj Goebbels and Riefenstahl had an immense effect on Nazi propaganda. He predicted that these actions might provoke a … It is debatable that Hitler was solely responsible for the events in which lead to and occurred during the Second World War. Fearing an expensive naval arms race against Germany, Britain agreed to limit the German navy to 35 percent of the size of the royal navy and no limit was placed on the number of submarines they could build. %PDF-1.7 It had a large German minority numbering over 3 million people. disarmament conference and the League of Nations. ϴ�;Ȅ ޕ6NE��s�+$_�z�|+U���eE���q���"N�Fp��.c��5e���[�!��)P� Their united front was weakened by Britain, who had sympathy for Germany as they felt they had been treated harshly at Versailles. Riefenstahl used elaborate staging, mobile cameras and filmed at night to capture the intense, feverish atmosphere at Nuremberg. Hitler blamed the treaty for much of Germany’s troubles since 1918. Tension grew, and Britain, France, and Germany were all trying to gain the support of the Ussr (This is an acronym so needs to be capitalized, USSR) in the vent (event) of the war. He was threatened and bullied at the meeting and forced to place leading Austrian Nazi’s in his government. However, Hitler, a ruthless dictator, brought much of the conflict upon himself with ideas already stated in his autobiography, Mein Kampf, outlining his ideas for foreign policy. At the same time, Hitler intensified the programme of secret rearmament that had begun under the Weimar government. While everything that you’re saying is correct and relevant information, you need to be clearer about which parts are evidence of Hitler’s role in causing WW2, and which parts are related to other factors. Hitler wanted to bring the land of his birth under German control and there was a Nazi party operating in Austria. Saarland had been placed under the control of the league of nations to allow the French to exploit its coalfields for 15 years. �|Иjk�1���@I�Eoڽ=����+t8N`j��� Later in life she became well-known as a still photographer and an underwater photographer. In conclusion, Hitler was not the sole cause of the outbreak of world war 2, but he was the primary cause. However, these causes can be traced back to the late 19th century, when nationalism and empire building placed a strain on the diplomatic system. S�b�}j�������aGi��(�� a������JX��̗�F�� Entitled ‘Triumph of the Will’, this film chronologically followed the events of that Rally from its opening ceremonies to Hitlers closing address. 2. Hitler was an opportunist and one of his main tactics to get his foreign policy aims was to use the threat of war against Britain and France, as he knew that they were reluctant to go to war. German troops were ‘invited in’ by the new prime minister, the Austrian Nazi leader Arthur seyss- inquart. In 1939 Hitler demanded the return of Danzig to Germany. You also should be a bit clearer about how each event was a part of the cause of the War. The three countries were also anti-communist and more worried about Stalin than Hitler. All materials copyrighted 2021. Riefenstahl played with the idea of under-water diving shots, extremely high and low shooting angles and panoramic aerial shots also. Hitler and many Germans detested the Treaty of Versailles. While Hitler was a great cause for World War … In Hitler's first year of power (1933)he withdrew Germany from the League of Nations and the Disarmament conference. You also should be a bit clearer about how each event was a part of the cause of the War. And having this end in view he did certain things which made the allies look at him so very suspiciously. @ZLYi/�Z`��R�A؈�#� s���4��klxQ���|�w�(���/:��&���uV���F1�"_���8@�7JcbK���� F�*9Y~�3��S�KE�X�d�h��ʔ���"Ie�[��m.G���ь�2k.i"��ڲ-�� �����9��D��Up���Y`�ŀ��,�?� ��툈�?�}K���l=x�fQ�j o@�1�e���8���W�P���w�m*�� C�� �fCK��� �[��+R�[&� �O,�"zj�eŲ���f�u�q�9��g��@�}��:�'%�y��.T!�N�х��o�u�W� �!�r��0⛅e�����y��c`%�QkJ�p����3��*[�� �E$J�deִ���\0�,���G��c��3�T�n�i�ߌw�iv|4z��dv:�%�%�c�����F�l]��jj�DT&���Μc�7�4�1~^��m����� :�� ���V2un��nUG�8�Y�"P���/@�F-�Y3"���uU�v�)�&$h�n�rl[Ҋ�>�����"��p��]$$�Wt���͌�D���h�g��{��k��&�9\��,J�������YT��1�*r6��=���H+�� �^سKv7��s PR��#����%� � �"it$�3�>�̱��z1��KFɎ1(Ӭނ�ZV��:+���U�0!�^���p�p�s�3=������x؛.����(eM�Ӻl:葀��z�U?r��, uţ�e-��`�Y��4o���΍5/�����6��8�PW�gX ). This action enraged Hitler and von Schuschnigg was forced to reign. He also used newspapers, books, radio and symbols to spread such ideas. While Hitler's foreign policy was the primary cause of WW2, there were many other contributing factors, such as Britain and France's policy of appeasement and the weakness of the League of Nations. The tasks of German foreign policy in preparing for the coming war were to: undo the military restrictions and reverse the territorial losses imposed by the Treaty of Versailles; take over neighboring lands with ethnic German populations; arrange pacts that would enable Germany to advance its war plans; and build alliances that would help Germany achieve its territorial goals. In January 1935 over 90 percent of the Saarland population voted to return to German control. Feedback: It is clear from your introduction and your conclusion that you know exactly how you want to answer this question and what you want to say, but in the body of the essay, it becomes a bit unclear. What measures had Hitler taken by 1938 to prepare Germany for war? This allowed him to increase the size of his army by turning the thousands of unemployed into soldiers. The plans also included a number of large buildings such as the Congress Hall, these were linked by the Great Road. The United States foreign-policy did not want to intervene into any foreign disputes. While everything that you’re saying is correct and relevant information, you need to be clearer about which parts are evidence of Hitler’s role in causing WW2, and which parts are related to other factors. Hitler wanted to destroy Poland to gain lebensraum for the German people and create an empire in the east. Britain and France turning a blind eye to his aggressive expansionist policies through Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement and the ineffectiveness of the league of nations were also factors. What were the aims of Hitler’s foreign policy? !�F��p��~%�5�nR��U`�mMH�65�v"BWe���Aȃ�J���� ������3�~��,:��s�1Gk��c�R��58��0Ҥ� They helped to reinforce his image as Germany’s saviour. But the most important causes (which ultimately gave him power) had happened prior to when he was appointed chancellor. “To what extent was Hitler responsible for the Second World War?” ‘From the first day that he "seized power," January 30, 1933, Hitler knew that only sudden death awaited him if he failed to restore pride and empire to post-Versailles Germany.’ The Second World War was the deadliest battle in History. German troops were ‘invited in’ by the new prime minister, the Austrian Nazi leader Arthur seyss- inquart. Hitler also made two important alliances during 1936. To what extent did Lenin… 2012 1. A daily press conference was held at which editors were told what view to take on various issues. The area had a series of large open spaces such as the Zeppelin Field, the Luitpold Arena and the March Field. The film was entitled ‘Olympia’ which she divided into two parts. Theme 5 – To What Extent was Hitler’s Foreign Policy to Blame for the Outbreak of WW2 Author: gabriellabooth@yahoo.co.uk Last modified by: gabriellabooth@yahoo.co.uk Created Date: 5/17/2016 5:53:00 PM Other titles: Theme 5 – To What Extent was Hitler’s Foreign Policy to Blame for the Outbreak of WW2 To what extent was Hitler’s foreign policy, 1933-1939, responsible for the outbreak of World War II? Britain, Italy, and France formed the Stresa front to protest Hitler’s plans but took no direct action. It is still hotly debated whether Leni Riefenstahl was a Nazi or not. In February 1938 Austrian prime minister Kurt von. ) endobj The Treaty of Versailles in 1919 forced Germany and its allies to accept sole responsibility for causing the First World War and committed it to making … Albert Speer, a young architect became involved in the organisation of the rally. The treaty had given Poland independence and economic control of the German-speaking port of Danzig. In January 1935 over 90 percent of the Saarland population voted to return to German control. Hitler was responsible for the outbreak of World War 2(1939) to a significant extent. Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister, used all available means to ensure the loyalty of the German people. That “moral claim” for Britain’s policy in World War II of course only holds water if one accepts the demonization of Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany, including the proposition that it was worthwhile for Britain to sacrifice her blood and treasure so that Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe could be under Soviet rather than German hegemony. Hitler’s aims were to destroy Communism, Lebensraum in the east, destroy the Treaty of Versailles and to unite all German speaking people. To what extent was Hitler’s foreign policy, 1933-1939, responsible for the outbreak of World War II? Fearing an expensive naval arms race against Germany, Britain agreed to limit the German navy to 35 percent of the size of the royal navy and no limit was placed on the number of submarines they could build. In March 1935 Hitler announced that Germany was going to reintroduce conscription and create an army of over half a million men. In many ways, Hitler was responsible for WW2. Slogans such as ‘Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Führer’ were used to get across the worship of Hitler. This involved placing a camera on rails to follow the athletes movement. However, ‘Triumph of the Will’ destroyed her career as a film director after the Second World War because of its association with the Nazis. The many things that he did like going against the Treaty of Versailles which included the rearmament of Germany, his Lebensraum policy where he wanted to take over neighboring lands and gain more territory for Germany and his disrespect to the treaties he made. Hitler's actions and Foreign Policy can be interpreted to show that he always wanted a fight, and that the outbreak of WWII was inevitable. Their united front was weakened by Britain, who had sympathy for Germany as they felt they had been treated harshly at Versailles. Hitler’s next bold move was the remilitarisation of the Rhineland in 1936, which was banned by the treaty of Versailles. Hitler had four main aims in foreign policy: To undo the hated Treaty of Versailles. These actions were against the terms of the treaty of Versailles but were popular in Germany. It is clear from your introduction and your conclusion that you know exactly how you want to answer this question and what you want to say, but in the body of the essay, it becomes a bit unclear. Hitler’s foreign policy was based on the Nazi party policies which sought to bring an end to Germanys restrictions under the Versailles treaty and to make Germany a great power again, to unite all German speakers into a greater Germany and to create a German empire in eastern Europe and thereby acquire land for German settlers in Poland and Russia. In March 1935 Hitler announced that Germany was going to reintroduce conscription and create an army of over half a million men. According to Ian Kershaw, Hitler defines his foreign policy as "the art of securing for a people, the necessary quantity and quality of lebensraum" Deflated from the effects of The Treaty of Versailles, German economy was crippled, the army was reduced, and they suffered from loss of Land. Stalin did not trust Britain and France and felt that they were encouraging Germany to attack Russia. German propaganda accused the poles of mistreating the German minority who lived in their country. He told the meeting that the chief aim of German foreign policy was the conquest of living space, which had to be achieved by force between 1943 and 1945. You'll learn how his actions brought Europe closer and closer to a war which finally began in … They met in Munich on 28 September 1938, and the Czechs were not invited. O�I����q2O��S��ݻ؅\�xj�mZ��A��CZ٠��p��~�hDq���B;{u(�@F�͓��'�Ɵ #j�Xg�2 �@`0�.�@OjQ��v.�k7�L�q=���d&���g���Fz�Z9��*/ �ER]K���i�]�}��O0�^��,l- i#aWD]�ڧ+ ��46ՎTF��$�_amwۑ��~�z�%�M��7EfEӅ�G��̉D 6�� �K�XH��0OA� I�"�L Hitler concluded that Britain and France were weak and that he could get away with more aggressive actions. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612.25 792.25] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Riefenstahl was an unusual choice in that she was not a member of the Nazi party. On his return to Austria, he tried to stop the spreading German influence by calling a referendum. a) Describe the events in the Saar in 1935. Those aims can be summed up in three key areas. 4. The accumulation of crisis after crisis built almost irresistible pressure for war. You should try to incorporate some quotations into your essays to bring up your mark. The treaty had given Poland independence and economic control of the German-speaking port of Danzig. The League of Nations condemned this action but did nothing else as Britain was not prepared to take any action and France would not act without British support. He had been angered by the results of the Munich conference and was therefore prepared to listen to Germany. x��[Ys��~W��^R&R��ͪ�M�^��d7�d��!���,C�}��g�{.f(ٙ�P ����_��$�}���WoH��O^��*���,ϊ:ϋ$OV$��H&~~����x~������Y�X��������%m���N�|�5ɻ[qϛ_�d{�%[���oo����J�'��t~�Z����'�Y�l�uV�8)��"y��$��˾f�eš,/j��M�u���ݥ�XD������Cz�Ư�sZ�o͊��%]�]p�!������r�O/Y�7�O����۰�|I�5K/��>J��z�{�_mօvm����ҵڙ����o�������Ѕ.Z-�Q|�V�+����4�f���]ڮ���+��F�?$�W��F=�>�,�~~����.�)����o��å*�gupÏ�T�5.t���n1��2c���h��G�~H��>=;$(9P��������*b�����q4���=i���k!��u{�h�h�/�'qV�3Y�AI�[X9���p��7�-�4_NFE=:�?�k���A�����d\Sr�kK�Oʽ���������-�MNq&��K��?�ˑ��3����$_�!^����F���Q��p�Ҭ��+�D���p�YJ+��h;�%�b�QBF{���9����X]:��EnAo0SE�Á?�? Under the Treaty of Versailles, the allies had prohibited a union between Austria and Germany after ww1, even though there was strong support for this union in both countries. <> This event became known as the Anschluss. He also said that Germany as going to build up its air force, Luftwaffe, and expand its navy. Hitler’s foreign policy was based on the Nazi party policies which sought to bring an end to Germanys restrictions under the Versailles treaty and to make Germany a great power again, to unite all German speakers into a greater Germany and to create a German empire in eastern Europe and thereby acquire land for German settlers in Poland and Russia. Goebbels saw the Rallies as a way to glorify Hitler, spread Nazi ideology and celebrate Nazi achievements. Hitler's next step was to begin taking back the land that had been taken away from Germany. The Nazis controlled the publication of newspapers and books. In total, this essay would probably achieve around 46 out of 60. To what extent was Hitler’s foreign policy (1933-1939) responsible for the outbreak of WW2? "]e��QZ�X}�'�2]5��K������6R�����r�~�oQbw"�. Maybe the war … Germany didn’t need Hitler in person to begin the war, as it was tilting it that direction ever since 1919. If Germany attacked Czechoslovakia, it would mean a general European war as the Czechs were allied with France. Hitler presented the demands of his allies, Hungary and Poland, for Czech land. In 1939, the International Olympic Committee honoured her for directing and producing that film. On 7 March 1936, Hitler moved 10,000 troops into the Rhineland. This event became known as the Anschluss. Hitler’s next target was Czechoslovakia, the only democracy in eastern Europe at the time, which contained a lot of industry and had a good army. What were the main characteristics of Stalin’s rule in Russia? Watch out for some small language errors, which I’ve highlighted in bold. They could not tolerate the rising power of Germany and they refused to give back German territories and colonies. - Ultimately, it was Hitler's aggressive foreign policy that caused WWII. She was one of the first filmmakers to use tracking shots in a documentary. This outbreak of war can be traced back to Hitler’s foreign policy, which was greatly responsible World War II. However, Hitler, a ruthless dictator, brought much of the conflict upon himself with ideas already stated in his autobiography, Mein Kampf, outlining his ideas for foreign policy. In conclusion, Hitler was responsible for the outbreak of the Second World War to a certain extent. These actions were against the terms of the treaty of Versailles but were popular in Germany. She was the first to use many of today’s filmmaking techniques. After ww1 Saarland had been placed under the control of the league of nations to allow the French to exploit its coalfields for 15 years. Hitler hoped the news of this pact would stop France and Britain from going to war if Germany attacked Poland. 3 0 obj In 1933, in protest that the allies had not disarmed after ww1 (World War One), Germany left eh (the?) Hitler was responsible to a large degree, however (don’t use however where you could use but), cannot be accountable for every aspect in which the sequence of events unfolded (Every aspect of the events that unfolded – you don’t need “in which” here). A polish corridor was created to give access to the sea, but the territory separated East Prussia from the rest of Germany. The British and French agreed to the demands and it seemed as if peace had been preserved. In the years leading up to World War II, Britain and France underestimated just how determined Adolf Hitler was in his lust for conquest. Goebbels created the image of Hitler through carefully staged photographs, portraits, posters and meetings. 6. Poland rejected this demand, and Britain and France agreed to support Poland. ���=M�W��-\�(= This policy was called Lebensraum. Hitler was an over-ambitious man. Learn faster with spaced repetition. These conditions aided the aggressiveness of Hitler's foreign policy and On 23 August 1939, Germany and the Ussr reached an agreement known as the Nazi-soviet non-aggression pact where both countries promised not to attack each other. He was asked by Hitler to draw up an overall plan for the Nazi Party grounds. Hitler’s invasion of Poland was the eventual catalyst for ww2 (World War Two). The policy of appeasement was widely pursued by Britain and France in the 1930s, when it referred to attempting to satisfy Germany's demands by negotiation and compromise, which would avoid war. which lead to and occurred during the Second World War. @24 �.�MO�4��C��HE&�l�kT��Z⋧N�s� Both suffered as a result. Hitler had to proceed cautiously at first because his regime was viewed with great suspicion and Germany was isolated internationally. It was regarded as the unofficial capital of the Holy Roman Empire. Secretly they divided Poland and eastern Europe between them. Under the Treaty of Versailles, the allies had prohibited a union between Austria and Germany after, , even though there was strong support for this union in both countries. Tension grew, and Britain, France, and Germany were all trying to gain the support of the, of the war. One way of spreading Nazi propaganda was that each rally had a different theme, usually celebrating recent Nazi achievements. was strong in these countries and they were prepared to compromise to avoid another war. Nuremberg was also a strong Nazi base with ‘Der Strumer’ an anti-semitic newspaper being published there: It was a central location with seven railway lines converging there. The second was called the Anti-Comintern Pact and allied Germany with Japan. Black Thursday brings the roaring twenties to a screaming halt, … Nazi propaganda involved the use of deception and falsehoods to convince people to support Adolf Hitler’s agenda and follow his commands. Jewish editors were fired and anti-Nazi newspapers were closed down. Mussolini knew Italy was not ready for war and he proposed a conference with Britain, France, Germany, and Italy to settle the dispute. The Allies had been victorious, but many of Europe's economies and infrastructures had been devastated, including those of the victors. Although Hitler came to power in 1933 through democratic means, he had to avail of many forms of propaganda in order to grip all aspects of people’s lives: social, political, economical, and personal. He was just the man who pushed it across the borderline. You can bring this up by clearly linking every paragraph to the question, and by providing more commentary. People were encouraged to buy a ‘Peoples Radio’ which could only receive Nai radio stations. The result was a major propaganda boost for Hitler who could claim his policies had the backing of the German people. It is debatable that Hitler was solely responsible for the events in which lead to and occurred during the Second World War. This paragraph doesn’t really add much to this particular answer. 90s Retro Hats, Houses For Rent Nescopeck, Pa, Hulu Watch Party Roku, Babita Phogat Husband, Lada Kalina Cena, Visitare Isola Bella, F1 Qualifying Bahrain 2021 Time, Polaris Gps Navigation App For Iphone, Real Estate Bayswater Sold, Entrada A España Covid, Seventh-day Adventist Morning Devotional Pdf 2021, Church Of Pentecost Near Me, To What Extent Was Hitler's Foreign Policy Responsible For Ww2, Wiki Bags Amazon, The Wedding Shop Uk, " />

to what extent was hitler's foreign policy responsible for ww2

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Hitler was responsible to a large degree, however (don’t use however where you could use but), cannot be accountable for every aspect in which the sequence of events … Watch out for some small language errors, which I’ve highlighted in bold. "�0���v�:'ߕm������j9����a|d�I~6[���ޜ`�6��fsͣg,�t]j�W�l^ݛ��36YDgb�e͡(��~ۨ�u s�b�S�>?��K�9���� �����U�:&6>W�A��:�:� Dictatorship & Democracy On 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland and on 3 September 1939 Britain den France declared war on Germany. Hitler and Speer wanted to create buildings which would last 1,00 years. He was the one that relentlessly threatened and invaded other states leading up to 1939, and it was also he, along with Stalin, that signed he Nazi-Soviet Pact and invaded Poland, which truly triggered WWII . To do so, his Germany will rearm in 1935 as he didn’t accept having a tiny army to defend his country from a possible attack. At the 1935 Rally of Freedom, Hitler introduced the Nuremberg Laws which were a series of anti-semitic measures introduced by the Nazis to socially isolate Germany’s Jewish minority and deprive its members of their basic civil rights. He also made it clear that Austria and Czechoslovakia would have to be seized. In total, this essay would probably achieve around 46 out of 60. Britain, Italy, and France formed the Stresa front to protest Hitler’s plans but took no direct action. They preferred to … In conclusion, Hitler’s foreign policy, enabled by appeasement and the Treaty of Versailles caused war to a large extent in the short term. A polish corridor was created to give access to the sea, but the territory separated East Prussia from the rest of Germany. The memory of. This. Some of you paragraphs should not be paragraphs, as they could easily be in the paragraph before – remember, new point, new paragraph! 'CTm�o���iNM���lq�Y�)�N�*T�']�Ѡ�K���-�eA`�tӃ7��,����z��M�����z;HPoEao��9�g��&4Y�/)����V��X�8�kČq��'tF�Q�dN4��rO��n�gQ����s�O�3�:��GK��;b�wj��_�O�W�� ��h��i��-P��lkҫ�=g%)�[�a���p<=���ڧ^���`�^��)}�s7A���, Nuremberg was seen as representing all that was best in German culture . Some of you paragraphs should not be paragraphs, as they could easily be in the paragraph before – remember, new point, new paragraph! Just when it seemed an agreement had been reached, Hitler made new demands and it looked as if war was inevitable. At the same time, Hitler intensified the programme of secret rearmament that had begun under the Weimar government. The outbreak of WW2 on September 1939 occurred due to numerous factors. You should try to incorporate some quotations into your essays to bring up your mark. He also said that Germany as going to build up its air force, Luftwaffe, and expand its navy. With the help of Goebbels and Riefenstahl, Hitler found a way to indoctrinate and brainwash most Germans into both following and agreeing with his policies. It was a popular policy at the time. Hitler used this fear to his advantage. You can bring this up by clearly linking every paragraph to the question, and by providing more commentary. flashcards from Matt Mitchell's class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. Poland rejected this demand, and Britain and France agreed to support Poland. For example, the Rally of Freedom celebrated breaking the Treaty of Versailles with the introduction of conscription. Extensive use was made of symbols such as banners, flags and standards. Riefenstahl claimed that she only directed films and was not a follower of Hitler’s ideas. Ȩh3���6��0�qJK���S�zI���� ��@z;����2��7��Hz'C7�g@A���Y ��/�>Qƈƒ�b��'9߈x:���hiԟ'�g-5��9R����吸C������5[��qv�����e%�7e�t"(����?��ha�S�&zCx��e���,�ݟ�O�pM��A�4Vˡ,-��]ٔm��EH6t�Y�Ƹ�I����"�`1�و� 4. The spectacular setting of the stadium, lit by bonfires and searchlights created a dramatic backdrop for Hitler’s speeches. All rights reserved. After Hitler’s suicide, Goebbels, his wife and six children also committed suicide. In 1936, Riefenstahl filmed the Berlin Olympics. The three countries were also anti-communist and more worried about Stalin than Hitler. Britain guaranteed to come to the aid of Poland and other eastern European countries if they were attacked. Hitler was responsible for the outbreak of World War 2 (1939) to a significant extent. Again, Britain and France did not act as Britain’s new prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, was following a policy for appeasement which involved giving in to Hitler’s reasonable demands to prevent another European war from breaking out. On 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland and on 3 September 1939 Britain den France declared war on Germany. Hitler was an opportunist and one of his main tactics to get his foreign policy aims was to use the threat of war against Britain and France, as he knew that they were reluctant to go to war. In Riefenstahl’s case, she was cleared of being a Nazi. To what extent was Hitler's foreign policy 1933-1939, responsible for the outbreak of World War II? Hitler encouraged the Sudeten Germans to demonstrate against Czech rule and to demand more control of their own affairs. The United States foreign-policy, from 1902 the outbreak of World War I, was a policy of isolation. Cumulative Mark: Some of your paragraphs could achieve a 5 or a 6, which is quite good as it’s very hard to achieve higher marks here, but there are others that would score around a 3. The most effective propaganda weapon Goebbels could deploy was the ‘Cult of Personality’. Loudspeakers were placed in streets and bars for those who were not within reach of a radio. The medieval city of Nuremberg was chosen by Hitler because of its links with German history. o In the east wanted: § as far as the Caucasus and Iran. The result was a major propaganda boost for Hitler who could claim his policies had the backing of the German people. Hitler’s invasion of Poland was the eventual catalyst for. 3. To conclude, Goebbels was very successful in creating a cult of personality for Hitler through his carefully written speeches, German News Bureau and mass gatherings. Hitler's Foreign Policy. Leni Riefenstahl, a German film actress and director was asked by Hitler to make a documentary film of the 1934 Nuremberg Rally. i��}���Hp��9$�_��! How effective were the internal and external policies of Benito Mussolini? Hitler had to proceed cautiously at first because his regime was viewed with great suspicion and Germany was isolated internationally. H1 History: To What Extent Was Hitler's Foreign Policy Responsible for the Outbreak of WW2 added by aislingolear1 — EUR3. The first was called the Rome-Berlin Axis Pact and allied Hitler's Germany with Mussolini's Italy. The second world war would not have occurred without Hitler’s aggressive foreign policy aims but, despite their wishes to the contrary, the other European powers had roles in the outbreak of this war. H flew to Germany and met Hitler twice, following his policy of appeasement. You can bring this up by making sure that every paragraph is relevant to the question, by making some stronger commentary on the information you’re providing, and by bringing up the number of paragraphs in your essay by splitting some of those really long ones into two shorter ones. he used the excuse that the other powers had not disarmed. On 23 August 1939, Germany and the. He used the Berlin Olympics 1936 and the Nuremberg Rally’s to spread Nazi beliefs. The many things that he did like going against the Treaty of Versailles which included the rearmament of Germany, his Lebensraum policy where he wanted to take over neighboring lands and gain more territory for Germany and his disrespect to the treaties he made. Secretly they divided Poland and eastern Europe between them. 2011 1. In March 1939 Hitler took over the Czech lands, and the occupation outraged British opinion and marked the end of appeasement. In 1939 Hitler demanded the return of Danzig to Germany. Some of your paragraphs could achieve a 5 or a 6, which is quite good as it’s very hard to achieve higher marks here, but there are others that would score around a 3. He was clear about his aims as to what Germany should focus on internationally. This action enraged Hitler and von Schuschnigg was forced to reign. endobj Goebbels and Riefenstahl had an immense effect on Nazi propaganda. He predicted that these actions might provoke a … It is debatable that Hitler was solely responsible for the events in which lead to and occurred during the Second World War. Fearing an expensive naval arms race against Germany, Britain agreed to limit the German navy to 35 percent of the size of the royal navy and no limit was placed on the number of submarines they could build. %PDF-1.7 It had a large German minority numbering over 3 million people. disarmament conference and the League of Nations. ϴ�;Ȅ ޕ6NE��s�+$_�z�|+U���eE���q���"N�Fp��.c��5e���[�!��)P� Their united front was weakened by Britain, who had sympathy for Germany as they felt they had been treated harshly at Versailles. Riefenstahl used elaborate staging, mobile cameras and filmed at night to capture the intense, feverish atmosphere at Nuremberg. Hitler blamed the treaty for much of Germany’s troubles since 1918. Tension grew, and Britain, France, and Germany were all trying to gain the support of the Ussr (This is an acronym so needs to be capitalized, USSR) in the vent (event) of the war. He was threatened and bullied at the meeting and forced to place leading Austrian Nazi’s in his government. However, Hitler, a ruthless dictator, brought much of the conflict upon himself with ideas already stated in his autobiography, Mein Kampf, outlining his ideas for foreign policy. At the same time, Hitler intensified the programme of secret rearmament that had begun under the Weimar government. While everything that you’re saying is correct and relevant information, you need to be clearer about which parts are evidence of Hitler’s role in causing WW2, and which parts are related to other factors. Hitler wanted to bring the land of his birth under German control and there was a Nazi party operating in Austria. Saarland had been placed under the control of the league of nations to allow the French to exploit its coalfields for 15 years. �|Иjk�1���@I�Eoڽ=����+t8N`j��� Later in life she became well-known as a still photographer and an underwater photographer. In conclusion, Hitler was not the sole cause of the outbreak of world war 2, but he was the primary cause. However, these causes can be traced back to the late 19th century, when nationalism and empire building placed a strain on the diplomatic system. S�b�}j�������aGi��(�� a������JX��̗�F�� Entitled ‘Triumph of the Will’, this film chronologically followed the events of that Rally from its opening ceremonies to Hitlers closing address. 2. Hitler was an opportunist and one of his main tactics to get his foreign policy aims was to use the threat of war against Britain and France, as he knew that they were reluctant to go to war. German troops were ‘invited in’ by the new prime minister, the Austrian Nazi leader Arthur seyss- inquart. In 1939 Hitler demanded the return of Danzig to Germany. You also should be a bit clearer about how each event was a part of the cause of the War. The three countries were also anti-communist and more worried about Stalin than Hitler. All materials copyrighted 2021. Riefenstahl played with the idea of under-water diving shots, extremely high and low shooting angles and panoramic aerial shots also. Hitler and many Germans detested the Treaty of Versailles. While Hitler was a great cause for World War … In Hitler's first year of power (1933)he withdrew Germany from the League of Nations and the Disarmament conference. You also should be a bit clearer about how each event was a part of the cause of the War. And having this end in view he did certain things which made the allies look at him so very suspiciously. @ZLYi/�Z`��R�A؈�#� s���4��klxQ���|�w�(���/:��&���uV���F1�"_���8@�7JcbK���� F�*9Y~�3��S�KE�X�d�h��ʔ���"Ie�[��m.G���ь�2k.i"��ڲ-�� �����9��D��Up���Y`�ŀ��,�?� ��툈�?�}K���l=x�fQ�j o@�1�e���8���W�P���w�m*�� C�� �fCK��� �[��+R�[&� �O,�"zj�eŲ���f�u�q�9��g��@�}��:�'%�y��.T!�N�х��o�u�W� �!�r��0⛅e�����y��c`%�QkJ�p����3��*[�� �E$J�deִ���\0�,���G��c��3�T�n�i�ߌw�iv|4z��dv:�%�%�c�����F�l]��jj�DT&���Μc�7�4�1~^��m����� :�� ���V2un��nUG�8�Y�"P���/@�F-�Y3"���uU�v�)�&$h�n�rl[Ҋ�>�����"��p��]$$�Wt���͌�D���h�g��{��k��&�9\��,J�������YT��1�*r6��=���H+�� �^سKv7��s PR��#����%� � �"it$�3�>�̱��z1��KFɎ1(Ӭނ�ZV��:+���U�0!�^���p�p�s�3=������x؛.����(eM�Ӻl:葀��z�U?r��, uţ�e-��`�Y��4o���΍5/�����6��8�PW�gX ). This action enraged Hitler and von Schuschnigg was forced to reign. He also used newspapers, books, radio and symbols to spread such ideas. While Hitler's foreign policy was the primary cause of WW2, there were many other contributing factors, such as Britain and France's policy of appeasement and the weakness of the League of Nations. The tasks of German foreign policy in preparing for the coming war were to: undo the military restrictions and reverse the territorial losses imposed by the Treaty of Versailles; take over neighboring lands with ethnic German populations; arrange pacts that would enable Germany to advance its war plans; and build alliances that would help Germany achieve its territorial goals. In January 1935 over 90 percent of the Saarland population voted to return to German control. Feedback: It is clear from your introduction and your conclusion that you know exactly how you want to answer this question and what you want to say, but in the body of the essay, it becomes a bit unclear. What measures had Hitler taken by 1938 to prepare Germany for war? This allowed him to increase the size of his army by turning the thousands of unemployed into soldiers. The plans also included a number of large buildings such as the Congress Hall, these were linked by the Great Road. The United States foreign-policy did not want to intervene into any foreign disputes. While everything that you’re saying is correct and relevant information, you need to be clearer about which parts are evidence of Hitler’s role in causing WW2, and which parts are related to other factors. Hitler wanted to destroy Poland to gain lebensraum for the German people and create an empire in the east. Britain and France turning a blind eye to his aggressive expansionist policies through Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement and the ineffectiveness of the league of nations were also factors. What were the aims of Hitler’s foreign policy? !�F��p��~%�5�nR��U`�mMH�65�v"BWe���Aȃ�J���� ������3�~��,:��s�1Gk��c�R��58��0Ҥ� They helped to reinforce his image as Germany’s saviour. But the most important causes (which ultimately gave him power) had happened prior to when he was appointed chancellor. “To what extent was Hitler responsible for the Second World War?” ‘From the first day that he "seized power," January 30, 1933, Hitler knew that only sudden death awaited him if he failed to restore pride and empire to post-Versailles Germany.’ The Second World War was the deadliest battle in History. German troops were ‘invited in’ by the new prime minister, the Austrian Nazi leader Arthur seyss- inquart. Hitler also made two important alliances during 1936. To what extent did Lenin… 2012 1. A daily press conference was held at which editors were told what view to take on various issues. The area had a series of large open spaces such as the Zeppelin Field, the Luitpold Arena and the March Field. The film was entitled ‘Olympia’ which she divided into two parts. Theme 5 – To What Extent was Hitler’s Foreign Policy to Blame for the Outbreak of WW2 Author: gabriellabooth@yahoo.co.uk Last modified by: gabriellabooth@yahoo.co.uk Created Date: 5/17/2016 5:53:00 PM Other titles: Theme 5 – To What Extent was Hitler’s Foreign Policy to Blame for the Outbreak of WW2 To what extent was Hitler’s foreign policy, 1933-1939, responsible for the outbreak of World War II? Britain, Italy, and France formed the Stresa front to protest Hitler’s plans but took no direct action. It is still hotly debated whether Leni Riefenstahl was a Nazi or not. In February 1938 Austrian prime minister Kurt von. ) endobj The Treaty of Versailles in 1919 forced Germany and its allies to accept sole responsibility for causing the First World War and committed it to making … Albert Speer, a young architect became involved in the organisation of the rally. The treaty had given Poland independence and economic control of the German-speaking port of Danzig. In January 1935 over 90 percent of the Saarland population voted to return to German control. Hitler was responsible for the outbreak of World War 2(1939) to a significant extent. Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister, used all available means to ensure the loyalty of the German people. That “moral claim” for Britain’s policy in World War II of course only holds water if one accepts the demonization of Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany, including the proposition that it was worthwhile for Britain to sacrifice her blood and treasure so that Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe could be under Soviet rather than German hegemony. Hitler’s aims were to destroy Communism, Lebensraum in the east, destroy the Treaty of Versailles and to unite all German speaking people. To what extent was Hitler’s foreign policy, 1933-1939, responsible for the outbreak of World War II? Fearing an expensive naval arms race against Germany, Britain agreed to limit the German navy to 35 percent of the size of the royal navy and no limit was placed on the number of submarines they could build. In March 1935 Hitler announced that Germany was going to reintroduce conscription and create an army of over half a million men. In many ways, Hitler was responsible for WW2. Slogans such as ‘Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Führer’ were used to get across the worship of Hitler. This involved placing a camera on rails to follow the athletes movement. However, ‘Triumph of the Will’ destroyed her career as a film director after the Second World War because of its association with the Nazis. The many things that he did like going against the Treaty of Versailles which included the rearmament of Germany, his Lebensraum policy where he wanted to take over neighboring lands and gain more territory for Germany and his disrespect to the treaties he made. Hitler's actions and Foreign Policy can be interpreted to show that he always wanted a fight, and that the outbreak of WWII was inevitable. Their united front was weakened by Britain, who had sympathy for Germany as they felt they had been treated harshly at Versailles. Hitler’s next bold move was the remilitarisation of the Rhineland in 1936, which was banned by the treaty of Versailles. Hitler had four main aims in foreign policy: To undo the hated Treaty of Versailles. These actions were against the terms of the treaty of Versailles but were popular in Germany. It is clear from your introduction and your conclusion that you know exactly how you want to answer this question and what you want to say, but in the body of the essay, it becomes a bit unclear. Hitler’s foreign policy was based on the Nazi party policies which sought to bring an end to Germanys restrictions under the Versailles treaty and to make Germany a great power again, to unite all German speakers into a greater Germany and to create a German empire in eastern Europe and thereby acquire land for German settlers in Poland and Russia. In March 1935 Hitler announced that Germany was going to reintroduce conscription and create an army of over half a million men. According to Ian Kershaw, Hitler defines his foreign policy as "the art of securing for a people, the necessary quantity and quality of lebensraum" Deflated from the effects of The Treaty of Versailles, German economy was crippled, the army was reduced, and they suffered from loss of Land. Stalin did not trust Britain and France and felt that they were encouraging Germany to attack Russia. German propaganda accused the poles of mistreating the German minority who lived in their country. He told the meeting that the chief aim of German foreign policy was the conquest of living space, which had to be achieved by force between 1943 and 1945. You'll learn how his actions brought Europe closer and closer to a war which finally began in … They met in Munich on 28 September 1938, and the Czechs were not invited. O�I����q2O��S��ݻ؅\�xj�mZ��A��CZ٠��p��~�hDq���B;{u(�@F�͓��'�Ɵ #j�Xg�2 �@`0�.�@OjQ��v.�k7�L�q=���d&���g���Fz�Z9��*/ �ER]K���i�]�}��O0�^��,l- i#aWD]�ڧ+ ��46ՎTF��$�_amwۑ��~�z�%�M��7EfEӅ�G��̉D 6�� �K�XH��0OA� I�"�L Hitler concluded that Britain and France were weak and that he could get away with more aggressive actions. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612.25 792.25] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Riefenstahl was an unusual choice in that she was not a member of the Nazi party. On his return to Austria, he tried to stop the spreading German influence by calling a referendum. a) Describe the events in the Saar in 1935. Those aims can be summed up in three key areas. 4. The accumulation of crisis after crisis built almost irresistible pressure for war. You should try to incorporate some quotations into your essays to bring up your mark. The treaty had given Poland independence and economic control of the German-speaking port of Danzig. The League of Nations condemned this action but did nothing else as Britain was not prepared to take any action and France would not act without British support. He had been angered by the results of the Munich conference and was therefore prepared to listen to Germany. x��[Ys��~W��^R&R��ͪ�M�^��d7�d��!���,C�}��g�{.f(ٙ�P ����_��$�}���WoH��O^��*���,ϊ:ϋ$OV$��H&~~����x~������Y�X��������%m���N�|�5ɻ[qϛ_�d{�%[���oo����J�'��t~�Z����'�Y�l�uV�8)��"y��$��˾f�eš,/j��M�u���ݥ�XD������Cz�Ư�sZ�o͊��%]�]p�!������r�O/Y�7�O����۰�|I�5K/��>J��z�{�_mօvm����ҵڙ����o�������Ѕ.Z-�Q|�V�+����4�f���]ڮ���+��F�?$�W��F=�>�,�~~����.�)����o��å*�gupÏ�T�5.t���n1��2c���h��G�~H��>=;$(9P��������*b�����q4���=i���k!��u{�h�h�/�'qV�3Y�AI�[X9���p��7�-�4_NFE=:�?�k���A�����d\Sr�kK�Oʽ���������-�MNq&��K��?�ˑ��3����$_�!^����F���Q��p�Ҭ��+�D���p�YJ+��h;�%�b�QBF{���9����X]:��EnAo0SE�Á?�? Under the Treaty of Versailles, the allies had prohibited a union between Austria and Germany after ww1, even though there was strong support for this union in both countries. <> This event became known as the Anschluss. He also said that Germany as going to build up its air force, Luftwaffe, and expand its navy. Hitler’s foreign policy was based on the Nazi party policies which sought to bring an end to Germanys restrictions under the Versailles treaty and to make Germany a great power again, to unite all German speakers into a greater Germany and to create a German empire in eastern Europe and thereby acquire land for German settlers in Poland and Russia. Goebbels saw the Rallies as a way to glorify Hitler, spread Nazi ideology and celebrate Nazi achievements. Hitler's next step was to begin taking back the land that had been taken away from Germany. The Nazis controlled the publication of newspapers and books. In total, this essay would probably achieve around 46 out of 60. To what extent was Hitler’s foreign policy (1933-1939) responsible for the outbreak of WW2? "]e��QZ�X}�'�2]5��K������6R�����r�~�oQbw"�. Maybe the war … Germany didn’t need Hitler in person to begin the war, as it was tilting it that direction ever since 1919. If Germany attacked Czechoslovakia, it would mean a general European war as the Czechs were allied with France. Hitler presented the demands of his allies, Hungary and Poland, for Czech land. In 1939, the International Olympic Committee honoured her for directing and producing that film. On 7 March 1936, Hitler moved 10,000 troops into the Rhineland. This event became known as the Anschluss. Hitler’s next target was Czechoslovakia, the only democracy in eastern Europe at the time, which contained a lot of industry and had a good army. What were the main characteristics of Stalin’s rule in Russia? Watch out for some small language errors, which I’ve highlighted in bold. They could not tolerate the rising power of Germany and they refused to give back German territories and colonies. - Ultimately, it was Hitler's aggressive foreign policy that caused WWII. She was one of the first filmmakers to use tracking shots in a documentary. This outbreak of war can be traced back to Hitler’s foreign policy, which was greatly responsible World War II. However, Hitler, a ruthless dictator, brought much of the conflict upon himself with ideas already stated in his autobiography, Mein Kampf, outlining his ideas for foreign policy. In conclusion, Hitler was responsible for the outbreak of the Second World War to a certain extent. These actions were against the terms of the treaty of Versailles but were popular in Germany. She was the first to use many of today’s filmmaking techniques. After ww1 Saarland had been placed under the control of the league of nations to allow the French to exploit its coalfields for 15 years. Hitler hoped the news of this pact would stop France and Britain from going to war if Germany attacked Poland. 3 0 obj In 1933, in protest that the allies had not disarmed after ww1 (World War One), Germany left eh (the?) Hitler was responsible to a large degree, however (don’t use however where you could use but), cannot be accountable for every aspect in which the sequence of events unfolded (Every aspect of the events that unfolded – you don’t need “in which” here). A polish corridor was created to give access to the sea, but the territory separated East Prussia from the rest of Germany. The British and French agreed to the demands and it seemed as if peace had been preserved. In the years leading up to World War II, Britain and France underestimated just how determined Adolf Hitler was in his lust for conquest. Goebbels created the image of Hitler through carefully staged photographs, portraits, posters and meetings. 6. Poland rejected this demand, and Britain and France agreed to support Poland. ���=M�W��-\�(= This policy was called Lebensraum. Hitler was an over-ambitious man. Learn faster with spaced repetition. These conditions aided the aggressiveness of Hitler's foreign policy and On 23 August 1939, Germany and the Ussr reached an agreement known as the Nazi-soviet non-aggression pact where both countries promised not to attack each other. He was asked by Hitler to draw up an overall plan for the Nazi Party grounds. Hitler’s invasion of Poland was the eventual catalyst for ww2 (World War Two). The policy of appeasement was widely pursued by Britain and France in the 1930s, when it referred to attempting to satisfy Germany's demands by negotiation and compromise, which would avoid war. which lead to and occurred during the Second World War. @24 �.�MO�4��C��HE&�l�kT��Z⋧N�s� Both suffered as a result. Hitler had to proceed cautiously at first because his regime was viewed with great suspicion and Germany was isolated internationally. It was regarded as the unofficial capital of the Holy Roman Empire. Secretly they divided Poland and eastern Europe between them. Under the Treaty of Versailles, the allies had prohibited a union between Austria and Germany after, , even though there was strong support for this union in both countries. Tension grew, and Britain, France, and Germany were all trying to gain the support of the, of the war. One way of spreading Nazi propaganda was that each rally had a different theme, usually celebrating recent Nazi achievements. was strong in these countries and they were prepared to compromise to avoid another war. Nuremberg was also a strong Nazi base with ‘Der Strumer’ an anti-semitic newspaper being published there: It was a central location with seven railway lines converging there. The second was called the Anti-Comintern Pact and allied Germany with Japan. Black Thursday brings the roaring twenties to a screaming halt, … Nazi propaganda involved the use of deception and falsehoods to convince people to support Adolf Hitler’s agenda and follow his commands. Jewish editors were fired and anti-Nazi newspapers were closed down. Mussolini knew Italy was not ready for war and he proposed a conference with Britain, France, Germany, and Italy to settle the dispute. The Allies had been victorious, but many of Europe's economies and infrastructures had been devastated, including those of the victors. Although Hitler came to power in 1933 through democratic means, he had to avail of many forms of propaganda in order to grip all aspects of people’s lives: social, political, economical, and personal. He was just the man who pushed it across the borderline. You can bring this up by clearly linking every paragraph to the question, and by providing more commentary. People were encouraged to buy a ‘Peoples Radio’ which could only receive Nai radio stations. The result was a major propaganda boost for Hitler who could claim his policies had the backing of the German people. It is debatable that Hitler was solely responsible for the events in which lead to and occurred during the Second World War. This paragraph doesn’t really add much to this particular answer.

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